Module meshtastic.util

Utility functions.

Expand source code
"""Utility functions.
import base64
import logging
import os
import platform
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
import traceback
from queue import Queue
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NoReturn, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson
from google.protobuf.message import Message

import packaging.version as pkg_version
import requests
import serial # type: ignore[import-untyped]
import # type: ignore[import-untyped]

from meshtastic.supported_device import supported_devices
from meshtastic.version import get_active_version

"""Some devices such as a seger jlink or st-link we never want to accidentally open
     0483 STMicroelectronics ST-LINK/V2
     0136 SEGGER J-Link
     1915 NordicSemi (PPK2)
     0925 Lakeview Research Saleae Logic (logic analyzer)
04b4:602a Cypress Semiconductor Corp. Hantek DSO-6022BL (oscilloscope)
blacklistVids: Dict = dict.fromkeys([0x1366, 0x0483, 0x1915, 0x0925, 0x04b4])

"""Some devices are highly likely to be meshtastic.
0x239a RAK4631
0x303a Heltec tracker"""
whitelistVids = dict.fromkeys([0x239a, 0x303a])

def quoteBooleans(a_string: str) -> str:
    """Quote booleans
    given a string that contains ": true", replace with ": 'true'" (or false)
    tmp: str = a_string.replace(": true", ": 'true'")
    tmp = tmp.replace(": false", ": 'false'")
    return tmp

def genPSK256() -> bytes:
    """Generate a random preshared key"""
    return os.urandom(32)

def fromPSK(valstr: str) -> Any:
    """A special version of fromStr that assumes the user is trying to set a PSK.
    In that case we also allow "none", "default" or "random" (to have python generate one), or simpleN
    if valstr == "random":
        return genPSK256()
    elif valstr == "none":
        return bytes([0])  # Use the 'no encryption' PSK
    elif valstr == "default":
        return bytes([1])  # Use default channel psk
    elif valstr.startswith("simple"):
        # Use one of the single byte encodings
        return bytes([int(valstr[6:]) + 1])
        return fromStr(valstr)

def fromStr(valstr: str) -> Any:
    """Try to parse as int, float or bool (and fallback to a string as last resort)

    Returns: an int, bool, float, str or byte array (for strings of hex digits)

        valstr (string): A user provided string
    val: Any
    if len(valstr) == 0:  # Treat an emptystring as an empty bytes
        val = bytes()
    elif valstr.startswith("0x"):
        # if needed convert to string with asBytes.decode('utf-8')
        val = bytes.fromhex(valstr[2:].zfill(2))
    elif valstr.startswith("base64:"):
        val = base64.b64decode(valstr[7:])
    elif valstr.lower() in {"t", "true", "yes"}:
        val = True
    elif valstr.lower() in {"f", "false", "no"}:
        val = False
            val = int(valstr)
        except ValueError:
                val = float(valstr)
            except ValueError:
                val = valstr  # Not a float or an int, assume string
    return val

def toStr(raw_value):
    """Convert a value to a string that can be used in a config file"""
    if isinstance(raw_value, bytes):
        return "base64:" + base64.b64encode(raw_value).decode("utf-8")
    return str(raw_value)

def pskToString(psk: bytes) -> str:
    """Given an array of PSK bytes, decode them into a human readable (but privacy protecting) string"""
    if len(psk) == 0:
        return "unencrypted"
    elif len(psk) == 1:
        b = psk[0]
        if b == 0:
            return "unencrypted"
        elif b == 1:
            return "default"
            return f"simple{b - 1}"
        return "secret"

def stripnl(s) -> str:
    """Remove newlines from a string (and remove extra whitespace)"""
    s = str(s).replace("\n", " ")
    return " ".join(s.split())

def fixme(message: str) -> None:
    """Raise an exception for things that needs to be fixed"""
    raise Exception(f"FIXME: {message}") # pylint: disable=W0719

def catchAndIgnore(reason: str, closure) -> None:
    """Call a closure but if it throws an exception print it and continue"""
    except BaseException as ex:
        logging.error(f"Exception thrown in {reason}: {ex}")

def findPorts(eliminate_duplicates: bool=False) -> List[str]:
    """Find all ports that might have meshtastic devices
       eliminate_duplicates will run the eliminate_duplicate_port() on the collection

        list -- a list of device paths
    all_ports =

    # look for 'likely' meshtastic devices
    ports: List = list(
            lambda port: port.device,
                lambda port: port.vid is not None and port.vid in whitelistVids,

    # if no likely devices, just list everything not blacklisted
    if len(ports) == 0:
        ports = list(
                lambda port: port.device,
                    lambda port: port.vid is not None and port.vid not in blacklistVids,

    if eliminate_duplicates:
        ports = eliminate_duplicate_port(ports)
    return ports

class dotdict(dict):
    """dot.notation access to dictionary attributes"""

    __getattr__ = dict.get
    __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ # type: ignore[assignment]
    __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__ # type: ignore[assignment]

class Timeout:
    """Timeout class"""

    def __init__(self, maxSecs: int=20) -> None:
        self.expireTime: Union[int, float] = 0
        self.sleepInterval: float = 0.1
        self.expireTimeout: int = maxSecs

    def reset(self) -> None:
        """Restart the waitForSet timer"""
        self.expireTime = time.time() + self.expireTimeout

    def waitForSet(self, target, attrs=()) -> bool:
        """Block until the specified attributes are set. Returns True if config has been received."""
        while time.time() < self.expireTime:
            if all(map(lambda a: getattr(target, a, None), attrs)):
                return True
        return False

    def waitForAckNak(
        self, acknowledgment, attrs=("receivedAck", "receivedNak", "receivedImplAck")
    ) -> bool:
        """Block until an ACK or NAK has been received. Returns True if ACK or NAK has been received."""
        while time.time() < self.expireTime:
            if any(map(lambda a: getattr(acknowledgment, a, None), attrs)):
                return True
        return False

    def waitForTraceRoute(self, waitFactor, acknowledgment, attr="receivedTraceRoute") -> bool:
        """Block until traceroute response is received. Returns True if traceroute response has been received."""
        self.expireTimeout *= waitFactor
        while time.time() < self.expireTime:
            if getattr(acknowledgment, attr, None):
                return True
        return False

    def waitForTelemetry(self, acknowledgment) -> bool:
        """Block until telemetry response is received. Returns True if telemetry response has been received."""
        while time.time() < self.expireTime:
            if getattr(acknowledgment, "receivedTelemetry", None):
                return True
        return False

    def waitForPosition(self, acknowledgment) -> bool:
        """Block until position response is received. Returns True if position response has been received."""
        while time.time() < self.expireTime:
            if getattr(acknowledgment, "receivedPosition", None):
                return True
        return False

    def waitForWaypoint(self, acknowledgment) -> bool:
        """Block until waypoint response is received. Returns True if waypoint response has been received."""
        while time.time() < self.expireTime:
            if getattr(acknowledgment, "receivedWaypoint", None):
                return True
        return False

class Acknowledgment:
    "A class that records which type of acknowledgment was just received, if any."

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.receivedAck = False
        self.receivedNak = False
        self.receivedImplAck = False
        self.receivedTraceRoute = False
        self.receivedTelemetry = False
        self.receivedPosition = False
        self.receivedWaypoint = False

    def reset(self) -> None:
        self.receivedAck = False
        self.receivedNak = False
        self.receivedImplAck = False
        self.receivedTraceRoute = False
        self.receivedTelemetry = False
        self.receivedPosition = False
        self.receivedWaypoint = False

class DeferredExecution:
    """A thread that accepts closures to run, and runs them as they are received"""

    def __init__(self, name) -> None:
        self.queue: Queue = Queue()
        # this thread must be marked as daemon, otherwise it will prevent clients from exiting
        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run, args=(), name=name, daemon=True)
        self.thread.daemon = True

    def queueWork(self, runnable) -> None:
        """Queue up the work"""

    def _run(self) -> None:
        while True:
                o = self.queue.get()
                    f"Unexpected error in deferred execution {sys.exc_info()[0]}"

def our_exit(message, return_value=1) -> NoReturn:
    """Print the message and return a value.
    return_value defaults to 1 (non-successful)

def support_info() -> None:
    """Print out info that helps troubleshooting of the cli."""
    print("If having issues with meshtastic cli or python library")
    print("or wish to make feature requests, visit:")
    print("When adding an issue, be sure to include the following info:")
    print(f" System: {platform.system()}")
    print(f"   Platform: {platform.platform()}")
    print(f"   Release: {platform.uname().release}")
    print(f"   Machine: {platform.uname().machine}")
    print(f"   Encoding (stdin): {sys.stdin.encoding}")
    print(f"   Encoding (stdout): {sys.stdout.encoding}")
    the_version = get_active_version()
    pypi_version = check_if_newer_version()
    if pypi_version:
            f" meshtastic: v{the_version} (*** newer version v{pypi_version} available ***)"
        print(f" meshtastic: v{the_version}")
    print(f" Executable: {sys.argv[0]}")
        f" Python: {platform.python_version()} {platform.python_implementation()} {platform.python_compiler()}"
    print("Please add the output from the command: meshtastic --info")

def remove_keys_from_dict(keys: Union[Tuple, List, Set], adict: Dict) -> Dict:
    """Return a dictionary without some keys in it.
    Will removed nested keys.
    for key in keys:
            del adict[key]
    for val in adict.values():
        if isinstance(val, dict):
            remove_keys_from_dict(keys, val)
    return adict

def hexstr(barray: bytes) -> str:
    """Print a string of hex digits"""
    return ":".join(f"{x:02x}" for x in barray)

def ipstr(barray: bytes) -> str:
    """Print a string of ip digits"""
    return ".".join(f"{x}" for x in barray)

def readnet_u16(p, offset: int) -> int:
    """Read big endian u16 (network byte order)"""
    return p[offset] * 256 + p[offset + 1]

def convert_mac_addr(val: str) -> Union[str, bytes]:
    """Convert the base 64 encoded value to a mac address
    val - base64 encoded value (ex: '/c0gFyhb'))
    returns: a string formatted like a mac address (ex: 'fd:cd:20:17:28:5b')
    if not re.match("[0-9a-f]{2}([-:]?)[0-9a-f]{2}(\\1[0-9a-f]{2}){4}$", val):
        val_as_bytes: bytes = base64.b64decode(val)
        return hexstr(val_as_bytes)
    return val

def snake_to_camel(a_string: str) -> str:
    """convert snake_case to camelCase"""
    # split underscore using split
    temp = a_string.split("_")
    # joining result
    result = temp[0] + "".join(ele.title() for ele in temp[1:])
    return result

def camel_to_snake(a_string: str) -> str:
    """convert camelCase to snake_case"""
    return "".join(["_" + i.lower() if i.isupper() else i for i in a_string]).lstrip(

def detect_supported_devices() -> Set:
    """detect supported devices based on vendor id"""
    system: str = platform.system()
    # print(f'system:{system}')

    possible_devices = set()
    if system == "Linux":
        # if linux, run lsusb and list ports

        # linux: use lsusb
        # Bus 001 Device 091: ID 10c4:ea60 Silicon Labs CP210x UART Bridge
        _, lsusb_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput("lsusb")
        vids = get_unique_vendor_ids()
        for vid in vids:
            # print(f'looking for {vid}...')
            search = f" {vid}:"
            # print(f'search:"{search}"')
            if, lsusb_output, re.MULTILINE):
                # print(f'Found vendor id that matches')
                devices = get_devices_with_vendor_id(vid)
                for device in devices:

    elif system == "Windows":
        # if windows, run Get-PnpDevice
        _, sp_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(
            'powershell.exe "[Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8;'
            'Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly | Format-List"'
        # print(f'sp_output:{sp_output}')
        vids = get_unique_vendor_ids()
        for vid in vids:
            # print(f'looking for {vid.upper()}...')
            search = f"DeviceID.*{vid.upper()}&"
            # search = f'{vid.upper()}'
            # print(f'search:"{search}"')
            if, sp_output, re.MULTILINE):
                # print(f'Found vendor id that matches')
                devices = get_devices_with_vendor_id(vid)
                for device in devices:

    elif system == "Darwin":
        # run: system_profiler SPUSBDataType
        # Note: If in boot mode, the 19003 reports same product ID as 5005.

        _, sp_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput("system_profiler SPUSBDataType")
        vids = get_unique_vendor_ids()
        for vid in vids:
            # print(f'looking for {vid}...')
            search = f"Vendor ID: 0x{vid}"
            # print(f'search:"{search}"')
            if, sp_output, re.MULTILINE):
                # print(f'Found vendor id that matches')
                devices = get_devices_with_vendor_id(vid)
                for device in devices:
    return possible_devices

def detect_windows_needs_driver(sd, print_reason=False) -> bool:
    """detect if Windows user needs to install driver for a supported device"""
    need_to_install_driver: bool = False

    if sd:
        system = platform.system()
        # print(f'in detect_windows_needs_driver system:{system}')

        if system == "Windows":
            # if windows, see if we can find a DeviceId with the vendor id
            # Get-PnpDevice  | Where-Object{ ($_.DeviceId -like '*10C4*')} | Format-List
            command = 'powershell.exe "[Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8; Get-PnpDevice | Where-Object{ ($_.DeviceId -like '
            command += f"'*{sd.usb_vendor_id_in_hex.upper()}*'"
            command += ')} | Format-List"'

            # print(f'command:{command}')
            _, sp_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(command)
            # print(f'sp_output:{sp_output}')
            search = f"CM_PROB_FAILED_INSTALL"
            # print(f'search:"{search}"')
            if, sp_output, re.MULTILINE):
                need_to_install_driver = True
                # if the want to see the reason
                if print_reason:
    return need_to_install_driver

def eliminate_duplicate_port(ports: List) -> List:
    """Sometimes we detect 2 serial ports, but we really only need to use one of the ports.

    ports is a list of ports
    return a list with a single port to use, if it meets the duplicate port conditions

         Ports: ['/dev/cu.usbserial-1430', '/dev/cu.wchusbserial1430'] => ['/dev/cu.wchusbserial1430']
         Ports: ['/dev/cu.usbmodem11301', '/dev/cu.wchusbserial11301'] => ['/dev/cu.wchusbserial11301']
         Ports: ['/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART', '/dev/cu.usbserial-0001'] => ['/dev/cu.usbserial-0001']
    new_ports = []
    if len(ports) != 2:
        new_ports = ports
        if "usbserial" in ports[0] and "wchusbserial" in ports[1]:
            first = ports[0].replace("usbserial-", "")
            second = ports[1].replace("wchusbserial", "")
            if first == second:
        elif "usbmodem" in ports[0] and "wchusbserial" in ports[1]:
            first = ports[0].replace("usbmodem", "")
            second = ports[1].replace("wchusbserial", "")
            if first == second:
        elif "SLAB_USBtoUART" in ports[0] and "usbserial" in ports[1]:
            new_ports = ports
    return new_ports

def is_windows11() -> bool:
    """Detect if Windows 11"""
    is_win11: bool = False
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
            if float(platform.release()) >= 10.0:
                patch = platform.version().split(".")[2]
                # in case they add some number suffix later, just get first 5 chars of patch
                patch = patch[:5]
                if int(patch) >= 22000:
                    is_win11 = True
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"problem detecting win11 e:{e}")
    return is_win11

def get_unique_vendor_ids() -> Set[str]:
    """Return a set of unique vendor ids"""
    vids = set()
    for d in supported_devices:
        if d.usb_vendor_id_in_hex:
    return vids

def get_devices_with_vendor_id(vid: str) -> Set:        #Set[SupportedDevice]
    """Return a set of unique devices with the vendor id"""
    sd = set()
    for d in supported_devices:
        if d.usb_vendor_id_in_hex == vid:
    return sd

def active_ports_on_supported_devices(sds, eliminate_duplicates=False) -> Set[str]:
    """Return a set of active ports based on the supplied supported devices"""
    ports: Set = set()
    baseports: Set = set()
    system: str = platform.system()

    # figure out what possible base ports there are
    for d in sds:
        if system == "Linux":
        elif system == "Darwin":
        elif system == "Windows":

    for bp in baseports:
        if system == "Linux":
            # see if we have any devices (ignoring any stderr output)
            command = f"ls -al /dev/{bp}* 2> /dev/null"
            # print(f'command:{command}')
            _, ls_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(command)
            # print(f'ls_output:{ls_output}')
            # if we got output, there are ports
            if len(ls_output) > 0:
                # print('got output')
                # for each line of output
                lines = ls_output.split("\n")
                # print(f'lines:{lines}')
                for line in lines:
                    parts = line.split(" ")
                    # print(f'parts:{parts}')
                    port = parts[-1]
                    # print(f'port:{port}')
        elif system == "Darwin":
            # see if we have any devices (ignoring any stderr output)
            command = f"ls -al /dev/{bp}* 2> /dev/null"
            # print(f'command:{command}')
            _, ls_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(command)
            # print(f'ls_output:{ls_output}')
            # if we got output, there are ports
            if len(ls_output) > 0:
                # print('got output')
                # for each line of output
                lines = ls_output.split("\n")
                # print(f'lines:{lines}')
                for line in lines:
                    parts = line.split(" ")
                    # print(f'parts:{parts}')
                    port = parts[-1]
                    # print(f'port:{port}')
        elif system == "Windows":
            # for each device in supported devices found
            for d in sds:
                # find the port(s)
                com_ports = detect_windows_port(d)
                # print(f'com_ports:{com_ports}')
                # add all ports
                for com_port in com_ports:
    if eliminate_duplicates:
        portlist: List = eliminate_duplicate_port(list(ports))
        ports = set(portlist)
    return ports

def detect_windows_port(sd) -> Set[str]:        #"sd" is a SupportedDevice from meshtastic.supported_device
    """detect if Windows port"""
    ports = set()

    if sd:
        system = platform.system()

        if system == "Windows":
            command = (
                'powershell.exe "[Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8;'
                "Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly | Where-Object{ ($_.DeviceId -like "
            command += f"'*{sd.usb_vendor_id_in_hex.upper()}*'"
            command += ')} | Format-List"'

            # print(f'command:{command}')
            _, sp_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(command)
            # print(f'sp_output:{sp_output}')
            p = re.compile(r"\(COM(.*)\)")
            for x in p.findall(sp_output):
                # print(f'x:{x}')
    return ports

def check_if_newer_version() -> Optional[str]:
    """Check pip to see if we are running the latest version."""
    pypi_version: Optional[str] = None
        url: str = ""
        data = requests.get(url, timeout=5).json()
        pypi_version = data["info"]["version"]
    except Exception:
    act_version = get_active_version()

    if pypi_version is None:
        return None
        parsed_act_version = pkg_version.parse(act_version)
        parsed_pypi_version = pkg_version.parse(pypi_version)
        #Note: if handed "None" when we can't download the pypi_version,
        #this gets a TypeError:
        #"TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object, got 'NoneType'"
        #Handle that below?
    except pkg_version.InvalidVersion:
        return pypi_version

    if parsed_pypi_version <= parsed_act_version:
        return None

    return pypi_version

def message_to_json(message: Message, multiline: bool=False) -> str:
    """Return protobuf message as JSON. Always print all fields, even when not present in data."""
        json = MessageToJson(message, always_print_fields_with_no_presence=True)
    except TypeError:
        json = MessageToJson(message, including_default_value_fields=True) # type: ignore[call-arg] # pylint: disable=E1123
    return stripnl(json) if not multiline else json

Global variables

var blacklistVids : Dict

Some devices are highly likely to be meshtastic. 0x239a RAK4631 0x303a Heltec tracker


def active_ports_on_supported_devices(sds, eliminate_duplicates=False) ‑> Set[str]

Return a set of active ports based on the supplied supported devices

Expand source code
def active_ports_on_supported_devices(sds, eliminate_duplicates=False) -> Set[str]:
    """Return a set of active ports based on the supplied supported devices"""
    ports: Set = set()
    baseports: Set = set()
    system: str = platform.system()

    # figure out what possible base ports there are
    for d in sds:
        if system == "Linux":
        elif system == "Darwin":
        elif system == "Windows":

    for bp in baseports:
        if system == "Linux":
            # see if we have any devices (ignoring any stderr output)
            command = f"ls -al /dev/{bp}* 2> /dev/null"
            # print(f'command:{command}')
            _, ls_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(command)
            # print(f'ls_output:{ls_output}')
            # if we got output, there are ports
            if len(ls_output) > 0:
                # print('got output')
                # for each line of output
                lines = ls_output.split("\n")
                # print(f'lines:{lines}')
                for line in lines:
                    parts = line.split(" ")
                    # print(f'parts:{parts}')
                    port = parts[-1]
                    # print(f'port:{port}')
        elif system == "Darwin":
            # see if we have any devices (ignoring any stderr output)
            command = f"ls -al /dev/{bp}* 2> /dev/null"
            # print(f'command:{command}')
            _, ls_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(command)
            # print(f'ls_output:{ls_output}')
            # if we got output, there are ports
            if len(ls_output) > 0:
                # print('got output')
                # for each line of output
                lines = ls_output.split("\n")
                # print(f'lines:{lines}')
                for line in lines:
                    parts = line.split(" ")
                    # print(f'parts:{parts}')
                    port = parts[-1]
                    # print(f'port:{port}')
        elif system == "Windows":
            # for each device in supported devices found
            for d in sds:
                # find the port(s)
                com_ports = detect_windows_port(d)
                # print(f'com_ports:{com_ports}')
                # add all ports
                for com_port in com_ports:
    if eliminate_duplicates:
        portlist: List = eliminate_duplicate_port(list(ports))
        ports = set(portlist)
    return ports
def camel_to_snake(a_string: str) ‑> str

convert camelCase to snake_case

Expand source code
def camel_to_snake(a_string: str) -> str:
    """convert camelCase to snake_case"""
    return "".join(["_" + i.lower() if i.isupper() else i for i in a_string]).lstrip(
def catchAndIgnore(reason: str, closure) ‑> None

Call a closure but if it throws an exception print it and continue

Expand source code
def catchAndIgnore(reason: str, closure) -> None:
    """Call a closure but if it throws an exception print it and continue"""
    except BaseException as ex:
        logging.error(f"Exception thrown in {reason}: {ex}")
def check_if_newer_version() ‑> Optional[str]

Check pip to see if we are running the latest version.

Expand source code
def check_if_newer_version() -> Optional[str]:
    """Check pip to see if we are running the latest version."""
    pypi_version: Optional[str] = None
        url: str = ""
        data = requests.get(url, timeout=5).json()
        pypi_version = data["info"]["version"]
    except Exception:
    act_version = get_active_version()

    if pypi_version is None:
        return None
        parsed_act_version = pkg_version.parse(act_version)
        parsed_pypi_version = pkg_version.parse(pypi_version)
        #Note: if handed "None" when we can't download the pypi_version,
        #this gets a TypeError:
        #"TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object, got 'NoneType'"
        #Handle that below?
    except pkg_version.InvalidVersion:
        return pypi_version

    if parsed_pypi_version <= parsed_act_version:
        return None

    return pypi_version
def convert_mac_addr(val: str) ‑> Union[str, bytes]

Convert the base 64 encoded value to a mac address val - base64 encoded value (ex: '/c0gFyhb')) returns: a string formatted like a mac address (ex: 'fd:cd:20:17:28:5b')

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def convert_mac_addr(val: str) -> Union[str, bytes]:
    """Convert the base 64 encoded value to a mac address
    val - base64 encoded value (ex: '/c0gFyhb'))
    returns: a string formatted like a mac address (ex: 'fd:cd:20:17:28:5b')
    if not re.match("[0-9a-f]{2}([-:]?)[0-9a-f]{2}(\\1[0-9a-f]{2}){4}$", val):
        val_as_bytes: bytes = base64.b64decode(val)
        return hexstr(val_as_bytes)
    return val
def detect_supported_devices() ‑> Set

detect supported devices based on vendor id

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def detect_supported_devices() -> Set:
    """detect supported devices based on vendor id"""
    system: str = platform.system()
    # print(f'system:{system}')

    possible_devices = set()
    if system == "Linux":
        # if linux, run lsusb and list ports

        # linux: use lsusb
        # Bus 001 Device 091: ID 10c4:ea60 Silicon Labs CP210x UART Bridge
        _, lsusb_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput("lsusb")
        vids = get_unique_vendor_ids()
        for vid in vids:
            # print(f'looking for {vid}...')
            search = f" {vid}:"
            # print(f'search:"{search}"')
            if, lsusb_output, re.MULTILINE):
                # print(f'Found vendor id that matches')
                devices = get_devices_with_vendor_id(vid)
                for device in devices:

    elif system == "Windows":
        # if windows, run Get-PnpDevice
        _, sp_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(
            'powershell.exe "[Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8;'
            'Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly | Format-List"'
        # print(f'sp_output:{sp_output}')
        vids = get_unique_vendor_ids()
        for vid in vids:
            # print(f'looking for {vid.upper()}...')
            search = f"DeviceID.*{vid.upper()}&"
            # search = f'{vid.upper()}'
            # print(f'search:"{search}"')
            if, sp_output, re.MULTILINE):
                # print(f'Found vendor id that matches')
                devices = get_devices_with_vendor_id(vid)
                for device in devices:

    elif system == "Darwin":
        # run: system_profiler SPUSBDataType
        # Note: If in boot mode, the 19003 reports same product ID as 5005.

        _, sp_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput("system_profiler SPUSBDataType")
        vids = get_unique_vendor_ids()
        for vid in vids:
            # print(f'looking for {vid}...')
            search = f"Vendor ID: 0x{vid}"
            # print(f'search:"{search}"')
            if, sp_output, re.MULTILINE):
                # print(f'Found vendor id that matches')
                devices = get_devices_with_vendor_id(vid)
                for device in devices:
    return possible_devices
def detect_windows_needs_driver(sd, print_reason=False) ‑> bool

detect if Windows user needs to install driver for a supported device

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def detect_windows_needs_driver(sd, print_reason=False) -> bool:
    """detect if Windows user needs to install driver for a supported device"""
    need_to_install_driver: bool = False

    if sd:
        system = platform.system()
        # print(f'in detect_windows_needs_driver system:{system}')

        if system == "Windows":
            # if windows, see if we can find a DeviceId with the vendor id
            # Get-PnpDevice  | Where-Object{ ($_.DeviceId -like '*10C4*')} | Format-List
            command = 'powershell.exe "[Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8; Get-PnpDevice | Where-Object{ ($_.DeviceId -like '
            command += f"'*{sd.usb_vendor_id_in_hex.upper()}*'"
            command += ')} | Format-List"'

            # print(f'command:{command}')
            _, sp_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(command)
            # print(f'sp_output:{sp_output}')
            search = f"CM_PROB_FAILED_INSTALL"
            # print(f'search:"{search}"')
            if, sp_output, re.MULTILINE):
                need_to_install_driver = True
                # if the want to see the reason
                if print_reason:
    return need_to_install_driver
def detect_windows_port(sd) ‑> Set[str]

detect if Windows port

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def detect_windows_port(sd) -> Set[str]:        #"sd" is a SupportedDevice from meshtastic.supported_device
    """detect if Windows port"""
    ports = set()

    if sd:
        system = platform.system()

        if system == "Windows":
            command = (
                'powershell.exe "[Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8;'
                "Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly | Where-Object{ ($_.DeviceId -like "
            command += f"'*{sd.usb_vendor_id_in_hex.upper()}*'"
            command += ')} | Format-List"'

            # print(f'command:{command}')
            _, sp_output = subprocess.getstatusoutput(command)
            # print(f'sp_output:{sp_output}')
            p = re.compile(r"\(COM(.*)\)")
            for x in p.findall(sp_output):
                # print(f'x:{x}')
    return ports
def eliminate_duplicate_port(ports: List) ‑> List

Sometimes we detect 2 serial ports, but we really only need to use one of the ports.

ports is a list of ports return a list with a single port to use, if it meets the duplicate port conditions

examples: Ports: ['/dev/cu.usbserial-1430', '/dev/cu.wchusbserial1430'] => ['/dev/cu.wchusbserial1430'] Ports: ['/dev/cu.usbmodem11301', '/dev/cu.wchusbserial11301'] => ['/dev/cu.wchusbserial11301'] Ports: ['/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART', '/dev/cu.usbserial-0001'] => ['/dev/cu.usbserial-0001']

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def eliminate_duplicate_port(ports: List) -> List:
    """Sometimes we detect 2 serial ports, but we really only need to use one of the ports.

    ports is a list of ports
    return a list with a single port to use, if it meets the duplicate port conditions

         Ports: ['/dev/cu.usbserial-1430', '/dev/cu.wchusbserial1430'] => ['/dev/cu.wchusbserial1430']
         Ports: ['/dev/cu.usbmodem11301', '/dev/cu.wchusbserial11301'] => ['/dev/cu.wchusbserial11301']
         Ports: ['/dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART', '/dev/cu.usbserial-0001'] => ['/dev/cu.usbserial-0001']
    new_ports = []
    if len(ports) != 2:
        new_ports = ports
        if "usbserial" in ports[0] and "wchusbserial" in ports[1]:
            first = ports[0].replace("usbserial-", "")
            second = ports[1].replace("wchusbserial", "")
            if first == second:
        elif "usbmodem" in ports[0] and "wchusbserial" in ports[1]:
            first = ports[0].replace("usbmodem", "")
            second = ports[1].replace("wchusbserial", "")
            if first == second:
        elif "SLAB_USBtoUART" in ports[0] and "usbserial" in ports[1]:
            new_ports = ports
    return new_ports
def findPorts(eliminate_duplicates: bool = False) ‑> List[str]

Find all ports that might have meshtastic devices eliminate_duplicates will run the eliminate_duplicate_port() on the collection


list – a list of device paths

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def findPorts(eliminate_duplicates: bool=False) -> List[str]:
    """Find all ports that might have meshtastic devices
       eliminate_duplicates will run the eliminate_duplicate_port() on the collection

        list -- a list of device paths
    all_ports =

    # look for 'likely' meshtastic devices
    ports: List = list(
            lambda port: port.device,
                lambda port: port.vid is not None and port.vid in whitelistVids,

    # if no likely devices, just list everything not blacklisted
    if len(ports) == 0:
        ports = list(
                lambda port: port.device,
                    lambda port: port.vid is not None and port.vid not in blacklistVids,

    if eliminate_duplicates:
        ports = eliminate_duplicate_port(ports)
    return ports
def fixme(message: str) ‑> None

Raise an exception for things that needs to be fixed

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def fixme(message: str) -> None:
    """Raise an exception for things that needs to be fixed"""
    raise Exception(f"FIXME: {message}") # pylint: disable=W0719
def fromPSK(valstr: str) ‑> Any

A special version of fromStr that assumes the user is trying to set a PSK. In that case we also allow "none", "default" or "random" (to have python generate one), or simpleN

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def fromPSK(valstr: str) -> Any:
    """A special version of fromStr that assumes the user is trying to set a PSK.
    In that case we also allow "none", "default" or "random" (to have python generate one), or simpleN
    if valstr == "random":
        return genPSK256()
    elif valstr == "none":
        return bytes([0])  # Use the 'no encryption' PSK
    elif valstr == "default":
        return bytes([1])  # Use default channel psk
    elif valstr.startswith("simple"):
        # Use one of the single byte encodings
        return bytes([int(valstr[6:]) + 1])
        return fromStr(valstr)
def fromStr(valstr: str) ‑> Any

Try to parse as int, float or bool (and fallback to a string as last resort)

Returns: an int, bool, float, str or byte array (for strings of hex digits)


valstr : string
A user provided string
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def fromStr(valstr: str) -> Any:
    """Try to parse as int, float or bool (and fallback to a string as last resort)

    Returns: an int, bool, float, str or byte array (for strings of hex digits)

        valstr (string): A user provided string
    val: Any
    if len(valstr) == 0:  # Treat an emptystring as an empty bytes
        val = bytes()
    elif valstr.startswith("0x"):
        # if needed convert to string with asBytes.decode('utf-8')
        val = bytes.fromhex(valstr[2:].zfill(2))
    elif valstr.startswith("base64:"):
        val = base64.b64decode(valstr[7:])
    elif valstr.lower() in {"t", "true", "yes"}:
        val = True
    elif valstr.lower() in {"f", "false", "no"}:
        val = False
            val = int(valstr)
        except ValueError:
                val = float(valstr)
            except ValueError:
                val = valstr  # Not a float or an int, assume string
    return val
def genPSK256() ‑> bytes

Generate a random preshared key

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def genPSK256() -> bytes:
    """Generate a random preshared key"""
    return os.urandom(32)
def get_devices_with_vendor_id(vid: str) ‑> Set

Return a set of unique devices with the vendor id

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def get_devices_with_vendor_id(vid: str) -> Set:        #Set[SupportedDevice]
    """Return a set of unique devices with the vendor id"""
    sd = set()
    for d in supported_devices:
        if d.usb_vendor_id_in_hex == vid:
    return sd
def get_unique_vendor_ids() ‑> Set[str]

Return a set of unique vendor ids

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def get_unique_vendor_ids() -> Set[str]:
    """Return a set of unique vendor ids"""
    vids = set()
    for d in supported_devices:
        if d.usb_vendor_id_in_hex:
    return vids
def hexstr(barray: bytes) ‑> str

Print a string of hex digits

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def hexstr(barray: bytes) -> str:
    """Print a string of hex digits"""
    return ":".join(f"{x:02x}" for x in barray)
def ipstr(barray: bytes) ‑> str

Print a string of ip digits

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def ipstr(barray: bytes) -> str:
    """Print a string of ip digits"""
    return ".".join(f"{x}" for x in barray)
def is_windows11() ‑> bool

Detect if Windows 11

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def is_windows11() -> bool:
    """Detect if Windows 11"""
    is_win11: bool = False
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
            if float(platform.release()) >= 10.0:
                patch = platform.version().split(".")[2]
                # in case they add some number suffix later, just get first 5 chars of patch
                patch = patch[:5]
                if int(patch) >= 22000:
                    is_win11 = True
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"problem detecting win11 e:{e}")
    return is_win11
def message_to_json(message: google.protobuf.message.Message, multiline: bool = False) ‑> str

Return protobuf message as JSON. Always print all fields, even when not present in data.

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def message_to_json(message: Message, multiline: bool=False) -> str:
    """Return protobuf message as JSON. Always print all fields, even when not present in data."""
        json = MessageToJson(message, always_print_fields_with_no_presence=True)
    except TypeError:
        json = MessageToJson(message, including_default_value_fields=True) # type: ignore[call-arg] # pylint: disable=E1123
    return stripnl(json) if not multiline else json
def our_exit(message, return_value=1) ‑> NoReturn

Print the message and return a value. return_value defaults to 1 (non-successful)

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def our_exit(message, return_value=1) -> NoReturn:
    """Print the message and return a value.
    return_value defaults to 1 (non-successful)
def pskToString(psk: bytes) ‑> str

Given an array of PSK bytes, decode them into a human readable (but privacy protecting) string

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def pskToString(psk: bytes) -> str:
    """Given an array of PSK bytes, decode them into a human readable (but privacy protecting) string"""
    if len(psk) == 0:
        return "unencrypted"
    elif len(psk) == 1:
        b = psk[0]
        if b == 0:
            return "unencrypted"
        elif b == 1:
            return "default"
            return f"simple{b - 1}"
        return "secret"
def quoteBooleans(a_string: str) ‑> str

Quote booleans given a string that contains ": true", replace with ": 'true'" (or false)

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def quoteBooleans(a_string: str) -> str:
    """Quote booleans
    given a string that contains ": true", replace with ": 'true'" (or false)
    tmp: str = a_string.replace(": true", ": 'true'")
    tmp = tmp.replace(": false", ": 'false'")
    return tmp
def readnet_u16(p, offset: int) ‑> int

Read big endian u16 (network byte order)

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def readnet_u16(p, offset: int) -> int:
    """Read big endian u16 (network byte order)"""
    return p[offset] * 256 + p[offset + 1]
def remove_keys_from_dict(keys: Union[Tuple, List, Set], adict: Dict) ‑> Dict

Return a dictionary without some keys in it. Will removed nested keys.

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def remove_keys_from_dict(keys: Union[Tuple, List, Set], adict: Dict) -> Dict:
    """Return a dictionary without some keys in it.
    Will removed nested keys.
    for key in keys:
            del adict[key]
    for val in adict.values():
        if isinstance(val, dict):
            remove_keys_from_dict(keys, val)
    return adict
def snake_to_camel(a_string: str) ‑> str

convert snake_case to camelCase

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def snake_to_camel(a_string: str) -> str:
    """convert snake_case to camelCase"""
    # split underscore using split
    temp = a_string.split("_")
    # joining result
    result = temp[0] + "".join(ele.title() for ele in temp[1:])
    return result
def stripnl(s) ‑> str

Remove newlines from a string (and remove extra whitespace)

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def stripnl(s) -> str:
    """Remove newlines from a string (and remove extra whitespace)"""
    s = str(s).replace("\n", " ")
    return " ".join(s.split())
def support_info() ‑> None

Print out info that helps troubleshooting of the cli.

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def support_info() -> None:
    """Print out info that helps troubleshooting of the cli."""
    print("If having issues with meshtastic cli or python library")
    print("or wish to make feature requests, visit:")
    print("When adding an issue, be sure to include the following info:")
    print(f" System: {platform.system()}")
    print(f"   Platform: {platform.platform()}")
    print(f"   Release: {platform.uname().release}")
    print(f"   Machine: {platform.uname().machine}")
    print(f"   Encoding (stdin): {sys.stdin.encoding}")
    print(f"   Encoding (stdout): {sys.stdout.encoding}")
    the_version = get_active_version()
    pypi_version = check_if_newer_version()
    if pypi_version:
            f" meshtastic: v{the_version} (*** newer version v{pypi_version} available ***)"
        print(f" meshtastic: v{the_version}")
    print(f" Executable: {sys.argv[0]}")
        f" Python: {platform.python_version()} {platform.python_implementation()} {platform.python_compiler()}"
    print("Please add the output from the command: meshtastic --info")
def toStr(raw_value)

Convert a value to a string that can be used in a config file

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def toStr(raw_value):
    """Convert a value to a string that can be used in a config file"""
    if isinstance(raw_value, bytes):
        return "base64:" + base64.b64encode(raw_value).decode("utf-8")
    return str(raw_value)


class Acknowledgment

A class that records which type of acknowledgment was just received, if any.


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class Acknowledgment:
    "A class that records which type of acknowledgment was just received, if any."

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.receivedAck = False
        self.receivedNak = False
        self.receivedImplAck = False
        self.receivedTraceRoute = False
        self.receivedTelemetry = False
        self.receivedPosition = False
        self.receivedWaypoint = False

    def reset(self) -> None:
        self.receivedAck = False
        self.receivedNak = False
        self.receivedImplAck = False
        self.receivedTraceRoute = False
        self.receivedTelemetry = False
        self.receivedPosition = False
        self.receivedWaypoint = False


def reset(self) ‑> None


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def reset(self) -> None:
    self.receivedAck = False
    self.receivedNak = False
    self.receivedImplAck = False
    self.receivedTraceRoute = False
    self.receivedTelemetry = False
    self.receivedPosition = False
    self.receivedWaypoint = False
class DeferredExecution (name)

A thread that accepts closures to run, and runs them as they are received

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class DeferredExecution:
    """A thread that accepts closures to run, and runs them as they are received"""

    def __init__(self, name) -> None:
        self.queue: Queue = Queue()
        # this thread must be marked as daemon, otherwise it will prevent clients from exiting
        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run, args=(), name=name, daemon=True)
        self.thread.daemon = True

    def queueWork(self, runnable) -> None:
        """Queue up the work"""

    def _run(self) -> None:
        while True:
                o = self.queue.get()
                    f"Unexpected error in deferred execution {sys.exc_info()[0]}"


def queueWork(self, runnable) ‑> None

Queue up the work

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def queueWork(self, runnable) -> None:
    """Queue up the work"""
class Timeout (maxSecs: int = 20)

Timeout class

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class Timeout:
    """Timeout class"""

    def __init__(self, maxSecs: int=20) -> None:
        self.expireTime: Union[int, float] = 0
        self.sleepInterval: float = 0.1
        self.expireTimeout: int = maxSecs

    def reset(self) -> None:
        """Restart the waitForSet timer"""
        self.expireTime = time.time() + self.expireTimeout

    def waitForSet(self, target, attrs=()) -> bool:
        """Block until the specified attributes are set. Returns True if config has been received."""
        while time.time() < self.expireTime:
            if all(map(lambda a: getattr(target, a, None), attrs)):
                return True
        return False

    def waitForAckNak(
        self, acknowledgment, attrs=("receivedAck", "receivedNak", "receivedImplAck")
    ) -> bool:
        """Block until an ACK or NAK has been received. Returns True if ACK or NAK has been received."""
        while time.time() < self.expireTime:
            if any(map(lambda a: getattr(acknowledgment, a, None), attrs)):
                return True
        return False

    def waitForTraceRoute(self, waitFactor, acknowledgment, attr="receivedTraceRoute") -> bool:
        """Block until traceroute response is received. Returns True if traceroute response has been received."""
        self.expireTimeout *= waitFactor
        while time.time() < self.expireTime:
            if getattr(acknowledgment, attr, None):
                return True
        return False

    def waitForTelemetry(self, acknowledgment) -> bool:
        """Block until telemetry response is received. Returns True if telemetry response has been received."""
        while time.time() < self.expireTime:
            if getattr(acknowledgment, "receivedTelemetry", None):
                return True
        return False

    def waitForPosition(self, acknowledgment) -> bool:
        """Block until position response is received. Returns True if position response has been received."""
        while time.time() < self.expireTime:
            if getattr(acknowledgment, "receivedPosition", None):
                return True
        return False

    def waitForWaypoint(self, acknowledgment) -> bool:
        """Block until waypoint response is received. Returns True if waypoint response has been received."""
        while time.time() < self.expireTime:
            if getattr(acknowledgment, "receivedWaypoint", None):
                return True
        return False


def reset(self) ‑> None

Restart the waitForSet timer

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def reset(self) -> None:
    """Restart the waitForSet timer"""
    self.expireTime = time.time() + self.expireTimeout
def waitForAckNak(self, acknowledgment, attrs=('receivedAck', 'receivedNak', 'receivedImplAck')) ‑> bool

Block until an ACK or NAK has been received. Returns True if ACK or NAK has been received.

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def waitForAckNak(
    self, acknowledgment, attrs=("receivedAck", "receivedNak", "receivedImplAck")
) -> bool:
    """Block until an ACK or NAK has been received. Returns True if ACK or NAK has been received."""
    while time.time() < self.expireTime:
        if any(map(lambda a: getattr(acknowledgment, a, None), attrs)):
            return True
    return False
def waitForPosition(self, acknowledgment) ‑> bool

Block until position response is received. Returns True if position response has been received.

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def waitForPosition(self, acknowledgment) -> bool:
    """Block until position response is received. Returns True if position response has been received."""
    while time.time() < self.expireTime:
        if getattr(acknowledgment, "receivedPosition", None):
            return True
    return False
def waitForSet(self, target, attrs=()) ‑> bool

Block until the specified attributes are set. Returns True if config has been received.

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def waitForSet(self, target, attrs=()) -> bool:
    """Block until the specified attributes are set. Returns True if config has been received."""
    while time.time() < self.expireTime:
        if all(map(lambda a: getattr(target, a, None), attrs)):
            return True
    return False
def waitForTelemetry(self, acknowledgment) ‑> bool

Block until telemetry response is received. Returns True if telemetry response has been received.

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def waitForTelemetry(self, acknowledgment) -> bool:
    """Block until telemetry response is received. Returns True if telemetry response has been received."""
    while time.time() < self.expireTime:
        if getattr(acknowledgment, "receivedTelemetry", None):
            return True
    return False
def waitForTraceRoute(self, waitFactor, acknowledgment, attr='receivedTraceRoute') ‑> bool

Block until traceroute response is received. Returns True if traceroute response has been received.

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def waitForTraceRoute(self, waitFactor, acknowledgment, attr="receivedTraceRoute") -> bool:
    """Block until traceroute response is received. Returns True if traceroute response has been received."""
    self.expireTimeout *= waitFactor
    while time.time() < self.expireTime:
        if getattr(acknowledgment, attr, None):
            return True
    return False
def waitForWaypoint(self, acknowledgment) ‑> bool

Block until waypoint response is received. Returns True if waypoint response has been received.

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def waitForWaypoint(self, acknowledgment) -> bool:
    """Block until waypoint response is received. Returns True if waypoint response has been received."""
    while time.time() < self.expireTime:
        if getattr(acknowledgment, "receivedWaypoint", None):
            return True
    return False
class dotdict (*args, **kwargs)

dot.notation access to dictionary attributes

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class dotdict(dict):
    """dot.notation access to dictionary attributes"""

    __getattr__ = dict.get
    __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ # type: ignore[assignment]
    __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__ # type: ignore[assignment]


  • builtins.dict