Module meshtastic.tests.test_stream_interface
Meshtastic unit tests for
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"""Meshtastic unit tests for"""
import logging
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
import pytest
from ..stream_interface import StreamInterface
# import re
def test_StreamInterface():
"""Test that we cannot instantiate a StreamInterface based on noProto"""
with pytest.raises(Exception) as pytest_wrapped_e:
assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == Exception
# Note: This takes a bit, so moving from unit to slow
def test_StreamInterface_with_noProto(caplog):
"""Test that we can instantiate a StreamInterface based on nonProto
and we can read/write bytes from a mocked stream
stream = MagicMock()
test_data = b"hello" = test_data
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
iface = StreamInterface(noProto=True, connectNow=False) = stream
data = iface._readBytes(len(test_data))
assert data == test_data
### Note: This takes a bit, so moving from unit to slow
### Tip: If you want to see the print output, run with '-s' flag:
### pytest -s meshtastic/tests/
# @pytest.mark.unitslow
# @pytest.mark.usefixtures("reset_mt_config")
# def test_sendToRadioImpl(caplog):
# """Test _sendToRadioImpl()"""
## def add_header(b):
## """Add header stuffs for radio"""
## bufLen = len(b)
## header = bytes([START1, START2, (bufLen >> 8) & 0xff, bufLen & 0xff])
## return header + b
# # captured raw bytes of a Heltec2.1 radio with 2 channels (primary and a secondary channel named "gpio")
# raw_1_my_info = b'\x1a,\x08\xdc\x8c\xd5\xc5\x02\x18\r2\x0e1.2.49.5354c49P\x15]\xe1%\x17Eh\xe0\xa7\x12p\xe8\x9d\x01x\x08\x90\x01\x01'
# raw_2_node_info = b'"9\x08\xdc\x8c\xd5\xc5\x02\x12(\n\t!28b5465c\x12\x0cUnknown 465c\x1a\x03?5C"\x06$o(\xb5F\\0\n\x1a\x02 1%M<\xc6a'
# # pylint: disable=C0301
# raw_3_node_info = b'"C\x08\xa4\x8c\xd5\xc5\x02\x12(\n\t!28b54624\x12\x0cUnknown 4624\x1a\x03?24"\x06$o(\xb5F$0\n\x1a\x07 5MH<\xc6a%G<\xc6a=\x00\x00\xc0@'
# raw_4_complete = b'@\xcf\xe5\xd1\x8c\x0e'
# # pylint: disable=C0301
# raw_5_prefs = b'Z6\r\\F\xb5(\x15\\F\xb5("\x1c\x08\x06\x12\x13*\x11\n\x0f0\x84\x07P\xac\x02\x88\x01\x01\xb0\t#\xb8\t\x015]$\xddk5\xd5\x7f!b=M<\xc6aP\x03`F'
# # pylint: disable=C0301
# raw_6_channel0 = b'Z.\r\\F\xb5(\x15\\F\xb5("\x14\x08\x06\x12\x0b:\t\x12\x05\x18\x01"\x01\x01\x18\x015^$\xddk5\xd6\x7f!b=M<\xc6aP\x03`F'
# # pylint: disable=C0301
# raw_7_channel1 = b'ZS\r\\F\xb5(\x15\\F\xb5("9\x08\x06\x120:.\x08\x01\x12(" \xb4&\xb3\xc7\x06\xd8\xe39%\xba\xa5\xee\x8eH\x06\xf6\xf4H\xe8\xd5\xc1[ao\xb5Y\\\xb4"\xafmi*\x04gpio\x18\x025_$\xddk5\xd7\x7f!b=M<\xc6aP\x03`F'
# raw_8_channel2 = b'Z)\r\\F\xb5(\x15\\F\xb5("\x0f\x08\x06\x12\x06:\x04\x08\x02\x12\x005`$\xddk5\xd8\x7f!b=M<\xc6aP\x03`F'
# raw_blank = b''
# test_data = b'hello'
# stream = MagicMock()
# = add_header(test_data)
# = [ raw_1_my_info, raw_2_node_info, raw_3_node_info, raw_4_complete,
# raw_5_prefs, raw_6_channel0, raw_7_channel1, raw_8_channel2,
# raw_blank, raw_blank]
# toRadio = MagicMock()
# toRadio.SerializeToString.return_value = test_data
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# iface = StreamInterface(noProto=True, connectNow=False)
# = stream
# iface.connect()
# iface._sendToRadioImpl(toRadio)
# assert'Sending: ', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'reading character', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'In reader loop', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
def test_StreamInterface()
Test that we cannot instantiate a StreamInterface based on noProto
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@pytest.mark.unit def test_StreamInterface(): """Test that we cannot instantiate a StreamInterface based on noProto""" with pytest.raises(Exception) as pytest_wrapped_e: StreamInterface() assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == Exception
def test_StreamInterface_with_noProto(caplog)
Test that we can instantiate a StreamInterface based on nonProto and we can read/write bytes from a mocked stream
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@pytest.mark.unitslow @pytest.mark.usefixtures("reset_mt_config") def test_StreamInterface_with_noProto(caplog): """Test that we can instantiate a StreamInterface based on nonProto and we can read/write bytes from a mocked stream """ stream = MagicMock() test_data = b"hello" = test_data with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): iface = StreamInterface(noProto=True, connectNow=False) = stream iface._writeBytes(test_data) data = iface._readBytes(len(test_data)) assert data == test_data