Module meshtastic.tests.test_node
Meshtastic unit tests for
Expand source code
"""Meshtastic unit tests for"""
import logging
import re
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
import pytest
from ..protobuf import admin_pb2, localonly_pb2, config_pb2
from ..protobuf.channel_pb2 import Channel # pylint: disable=E0611
from ..node import Node
from ..serial_interface import SerialInterface
from ..mesh_interface import MeshInterface
# from ..config_pb2 import Config
# from ..cannedmessages_pb2 import (CannedMessagePluginMessagePart1, CannedMessagePluginMessagePart2,
# CannedMessagePluginMessagePart3, CannedMessagePluginMessagePart4,
# CannedMessagePluginMessagePart5)
# from ..util import Timeout
def test_node(capsys):
"""Test that we can instantiate a Node"""
iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
with patch("meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface", return_value=iface) as mo:
mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None
mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8
anode = Node(mo, "bar", noProto=True)
lc = localonly_pb2.LocalConfig()
anode.localConfig = lc
anode.moduleConfig = localonly_pb2.LocalModuleConfig()
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert'Preferences', out)
assert'Module preferences', out)
assert'Channels', out)
assert'Primary channel URL', out)
assert not'remote node', out)
assert err == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_node_requestConfig(capsys):
# """Test run requestConfig"""
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# amesg = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# with patch('meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage', return_value=amesg):
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar')
# anode.requestConfig()
# out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert'Requesting preferences from remote node', out, re.MULTILINE)
# assert err == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_node_get_canned_message_with_all_parts(capsys):
# """Test run get_canned_message()"""
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# amesg = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# with patch('meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage', return_value=amesg):
# # we have a sleep in this method, so override it so it goes fast
# with patch('time.sleep'):
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar')
# anode.cannedPluginMessagePart1 = 'a'
# anode.cannedPluginMessagePart2 = 'b'
# anode.cannedPluginMessagePart3 = 'c'
# anode.cannedPluginMessagePart4 = 'd'
# anode.cannedPluginMessagePart5 = 'e'
# anode.get_canned_message()
# out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert'canned_plugin_message:abcde', out, re.MULTILINE)
# assert err == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_node_get_canned_message_with_some_parts(capsys):
# """Test run get_canned_message()"""
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# amesg = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# with patch('meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage', return_value=amesg):
# # we have a sleep in this method, so override it so it goes fast
# with patch('time.sleep'):
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar')
# anode.cannedPluginMessagePart1 = 'a'
# anode.get_canned_message()
# out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert'canned_plugin_message:a', out, re.MULTILINE)
# assert err == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_node_set_canned_message_one_part(caplog):
# """Test run set_canned_message()"""
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# amesg = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# with patch('meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage', return_value=amesg):
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar')
# anode.set_canned_message('foo')
# assert"Setting canned message 'foo' part 1", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert not"Setting canned message '' part 2", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_node_set_canned_message_200(caplog):
# """Test run set_canned_message() 200 characters long"""
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# amesg = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# with patch('meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage', return_value=amesg):
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar')
# message_200_chars_long = 'a' * 200
# anode.set_canned_message(message_200_chars_long)
# assert" part 1", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert not"Setting canned message '' part 2", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_node_set_canned_message_201(caplog):
# """Test run set_canned_message() 201 characters long"""
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# amesg = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# with patch('meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage', return_value=amesg):
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar')
# message_201_chars_long = 'a' * 201
# anode.set_canned_message(message_201_chars_long)
# assert" part 1", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert"Setting canned message 'a' part 2", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_node_set_canned_message_1000(caplog):
# """Test run set_canned_message() 1000 characters long"""
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# amesg = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# with patch('meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage', return_value=amesg):
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar')
# message_1000_chars_long = 'a' * 1000
# anode.set_canned_message(message_1000_chars_long)
# assert" part 1", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert" part 2", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert" part 3", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert" part 4", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert" part 5", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_node_set_canned_message_1001(capsys):
# """Test run set_canned_message() 1001 characters long"""
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar')
# message_1001_chars_long = 'a' * 1001
# anode.set_canned_message(message_1001_chars_long)
# assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
# assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1
# out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert'Warning: The canned message', out, re.MULTILINE)
# assert err == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_setOwnerShort(caplog):
# """Test setOwner"""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar', noProto=True)
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.setOwner(long_name=None, short_name='123')
# assert'p.set_owner.short_name:123:', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_setOwner_no_short_name(caplog):
# """Test setOwner"""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar', noProto=True)
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.setOwner(long_name ='Test123')
# assert'p.set_owner.long_name:Test123:', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'p.set_owner.short_name:Tst:', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'p.set_owner.is_licensed:False', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_setOwner_no_short_name_and_long_name_is_short(caplog):
# """Test setOwner"""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar', noProto=True)
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.setOwner(long_name ='Tnt')
# assert'p.set_owner.long_name:Tnt:', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'p.set_owner.short_name:Tnt:', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'p.set_owner.is_licensed:False', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_setOwner_no_short_name_and_long_name_has_words(caplog):
# """Test setOwner"""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar', noProto=True)
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.setOwner(long_name ='A B C', is_licensed=True)
# assert'p.set_owner.long_name:A B C:', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'p.set_owner.short_name:ABC:', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'p.set_owner.is_licensed:True', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_setOwner_long_name_no_short(caplog):
# """Test setOwner"""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar', noProto=True)
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.setOwner(long_name ='Aabo', is_licensed=True)
# assert'p.set_owner.long_name:Aabo:', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'p.set_owner.short_name:Aab:', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
def test_exitSimulator(caplog):
"""Test exitSimulator"""
interface = MeshInterface()
interface.nodesByNum = {}
anode = Node(interface, "!ba400000", noProto=True)
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
assert"in exitSimulator", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
def test_reboot(caplog):
"""Test reboot"""
interface = MeshInterface()
interface.nodesByNum = {}
anode = Node(interface, 1234567890, noProto=True)
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
assert"Telling node to reboot", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
def test_shutdown(caplog):
"""Test shutdown"""
interface = MeshInterface()
interface.nodesByNum = {}
anode = Node(interface, 1234567890, noProto=True)
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
assert"Telling node to shutdown", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
def test_setURL_empty_url(capsys):
"""Test reboot"""
anode = Node("foo", "bar", noProto=True)
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert"Warning: config or channels not loaded", out, re.MULTILINE)
assert err == ""
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_setURL_valid_URL(caplog):
# """Test setURL"""
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# url = ""
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode = Node(iface, 'bar', noProto=True)
# anode.radioConfig = 'baz'
# channels = ['zoo']
# anode.channels = channels
# anode.setURL(url)
# assert'Channel i:0', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'modem_config: MidSlow', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'psk: "\\001"', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'role: PRIMARY', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
def test_setURL_valid_URL_but_no_settings(capsys):
"""Test setURL"""
iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
url = ""
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
anode = Node(iface, "bar", noProto=True)
anode.radioConfig = "baz"
assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert"Warning: config or channels not loaded", out, re.MULTILINE)
assert err == ""
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_showChannels(capsys):
# """Test showChannels"""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar')
# # primary channel
# # role: 0=Disabled, 1=Primary, 2=Secondary
# # modem_config: 0-5
# # role: 0=Disabled, 1=Primary, 2=Secondary
# channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1)
# channel1.settings.modem_config = 3
# channel1.settings.psk = b'\x01'
# channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=2)
# channel2.settings.psk = b'\x8a\x94y\x0e\xc6\xc9\x1e5\x91\x12@\xa60\xa8\xb43\x87\x00\xf2K\x0e\xe7\x7fAz\xcd\xf5\xb0\x900\xa84'
# = 'testing'
# channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=0)
# channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=0)
# channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=0)
# channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=0)
# channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=0)
# channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=0)
# channels = [ channel1, channel2, channel3, channel4, channel5, channel6, channel7, channel8 ]
# anode.channels = channels
# anode.showChannels()
# out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert'Channels:', out, re.MULTILINE)
# # primary channel
# assert'Primary channel URL', out, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'PRIMARY psk=default ', out, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'"modemConfig": "MidSlow"', out, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'"psk": "AQ=="', out, re.MULTILINE)
# # secondary channel
# assert'SECONDARY psk=secret ', out, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'"psk": "ipR5DsbJHjWREkCmMKi0M4cA8ksO539Bes31sJAwqDQ="', out, re.MULTILINE)
# assert err == ''
def test_getChannelByChannelIndex():
"""Test getChannelByChannelIndex()"""
anode = Node("foo", "bar")
channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1) # primary channel
channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=2) # secondary channel
channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=0)
channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=0)
channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=0)
channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=0)
channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=0)
channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=0)
channels = [
anode.channels = channels
# test primary
assert anode.getChannelByChannelIndex(0) is not None
# test secondary
assert anode.getChannelByChannelIndex(1) is not None
# test disabled
assert anode.getChannelByChannelIndex(2) is not None
# test invalid values
assert anode.getChannelByChannelIndex(-1) is None
assert anode.getChannelByChannelIndex(9) is None
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_deleteChannel_try_to_delete_primary_channel(capsys):
# """Try to delete primary channel."""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar')
# channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1)
# channel1.settings.modem_config = 3
# channel1.settings.psk = b'\x01'
# # no secondary channels
# channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=0)
# channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=0)
# channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=0)
# channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=0)
# channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=0)
# channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=0)
# channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=0)
# channels = [ channel1, channel2, channel3, channel4, channel5, channel6, channel7, channel8 ]
# anode.channels = channels
# with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
# anode.deleteChannel(0)
# assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
# assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1
# out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert'Warning: Only SECONDARY channels can be deleted', out, re.MULTILINE)
# assert err == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_deleteChannel_secondary():
# """Try to delete a secondary channel."""
# channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1)
# channel1.settings.modem_config = 3
# channel1.settings.psk = b'\x01'
# channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=2)
# channel2.settings.psk = b'\x8a\x94y\x0e\xc6\xc9\x1e5\x91\x12@\xa60\xa8\xb43\x87\x00\xf2K\x0e\xe7\x7fAz\xcd\xf5\xb0\x900\xa84'
# = 'testing'
# channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=0)
# channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=0)
# channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=0)
# channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=0)
# channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=0)
# channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=0)
# channels = [ channel1, channel2, channel3, channel4, channel5, channel6, channel7, channel8 ]
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None
# mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# anode.channels = channels
# assert len(anode.channels) == 8
# assert channels[0].settings.modem_config == 3
# assert channels[1] == 'testing'
# assert channels[2] == ''
# assert channels[3] == ''
# assert channels[4] == ''
# assert channels[5] == ''
# assert channels[6] == ''
# assert channels[7] == ''
# anode.deleteChannel(1)
# assert len(anode.channels) == 8
# assert channels[0].settings.modem_config == 3
# assert channels[1] == ''
# assert channels[2] == ''
# assert channels[3] == ''
# assert channels[4] == ''
# assert channels[5] == ''
# assert channels[6] == ''
# assert channels[7] == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_deleteChannel_secondary_with_admin_channel_after_testing():
# """Try to delete a secondary channel where there is an admin channel."""
# channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1)
# channel1.settings.modem_config = 3
# channel1.settings.psk = b'\x01'
# channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=2)
# channel2.settings.psk = b'\x8a\x94y\x0e\xc6\xc9\x1e5\x91\x12@\xa60\xa8\xb43\x87\x00\xf2K\x0e\xe7\x7fAz\xcd\xf5\xb0\x900\xa84'
# = 'testing'
# channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=2)
# = 'admin'
# channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=0)
# channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=0)
# channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=0)
# channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=0)
# channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=0)
# channels = [ channel1, channel2, channel3, channel4, channel5, channel6, channel7, channel8 ]
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None
# mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# assert mo.localNode == anode
# anode.channels = channels
# assert len(anode.channels) == 8
# assert channels[0].settings.modem_config == 3
# assert channels[1] == 'testing'
# assert channels[2] == 'admin'
# assert channels[3] == ''
# assert channels[4] == ''
# assert channels[5] == ''
# assert channels[6] == ''
# assert channels[7] == ''
# anode.deleteChannel(1)
# assert len(anode.channels) == 8
# assert channels[0].settings.modem_config == 3
# assert channels[1] == 'admin'
# assert channels[2] == ''
# assert channels[3] == ''
# assert channels[4] == ''
# assert channels[5] == ''
# assert channels[6] == ''
# assert channels[7] == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_deleteChannel_secondary_with_admin_channel_before_testing():
# """Try to delete a secondary channel where there is an admin channel."""
# channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1)
# channel1.settings.modem_config = 3
# channel1.settings.psk = b'\x01'
# channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=2)
# channel2.settings.psk = b'\x8a\x94y\x0e\xc6\xc9\x1e5\x91\x12@\xa60\xa8\xb43\x87\x00\xf2K\x0e\xe7\x7fAz\xcd\xf5\xb0\x900\xa84'
# = 'admin'
# channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=2)
# = 'testing'
# channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=0)
# channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=0)
# channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=0)
# channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=0)
# channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=0)
# channels = [ channel1, channel2, channel3, channel4, channel5, channel6, channel7, channel8 ]
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None
# mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# anode.channels = channels
# assert len(anode.channels) == 8
# assert channels[0].settings.modem_config == 3
# assert channels[1] == 'admin'
# assert channels[2] == 'testing'
# assert channels[3] == ''
# assert channels[4] == ''
# assert channels[5] == ''
# assert channels[6] == ''
# assert channels[7] == ''
# anode.deleteChannel(2)
# assert len(anode.channels) == 8
# assert channels[0].settings.modem_config == 3
# assert channels[1] == 'admin'
# assert channels[2] == ''
# assert channels[3] == ''
# assert channels[4] == ''
# assert channels[5] == ''
# assert channels[6] == ''
# assert channels[7] == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_getChannelByName():
# """Get a channel by the name."""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar')
# channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1)
# channel1.settings.modem_config = 3
# channel1.settings.psk = b'\x01'
# channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=2)
# channel2.settings.psk = b'\x8a\x94y\x0e\xc6\xc9\x1e5\x91\x12@\xa60\xa8\xb43\x87\x00\xf2K\x0e\xe7\x7fAz\xcd\xf5\xb0\x900\xa84'
# = 'admin'
# channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=0)
# channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=0)
# channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=0)
# channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=0)
# channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=0)
# channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=0)
# channels = [ channel1, channel2, channel3, channel4, channel5, channel6, channel7, channel8 ]
# anode.channels = channels
# ch = anode.getChannelByName('admin')
# assert ch.index == 2
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_getChannelByName_invalid_name():
# """Get a channel by the name but one that is not present."""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar')
# channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1)
# channel1.settings.modem_config = 3
# channel1.settings.psk = b'\x01'
# channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=2)
# channel2.settings.psk = b'\x8a\x94y\x0e\xc6\xc9\x1e5\x91\x12@\xa60\xa8\xb43\x87\x00\xf2K\x0e\xe7\x7fAz\xcd\xf5\xb0\x900\xa84'
# = 'admin'
# channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=0)
# channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=0)
# channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=0)
# channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=0)
# channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=0)
# channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=0)
# channels = [ channel1, channel2, channel3, channel4, channel5, channel6, channel7, channel8 ]
# anode.channels = channels
# ch = anode.getChannelByName('testing')
# assert ch is None
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_getDisabledChannel():
# """Get the first disabled channel."""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar')
# channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1)
# channel1.settings.modem_config = 3
# channel1.settings.psk = b'\x01'
# channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=2)
# channel2.settings.psk = b'\x8a\x94y\x0e\xc6\xc9\x1e5\x91\x12@\xa60\xa8\xb43\x87\x00\xf2K\x0e\xe7\x7fAz\xcd\xf5\xb0\x900\xa84'
# = 'testingA'
# channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=2)
# channel3.settings.psk = b'\x8a\x94y\x0e\xc6\xc9\x1e5\x91\x12@\xa60\xa8\xb43\x87\x00\xf2K\x0e\xe7\x7fAz\xcd\xf5\xb0\x900\xa84'
# = 'testingB'
# channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=0)
# channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=0)
# channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=0)
# channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=0)
# channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=0)
# channels = [ channel1, channel2, channel3, channel4, channel5, channel6, channel7, channel8 ]
# anode.channels = channels
# ch = anode.getDisabledChannel()
# assert ch.index == 4
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_getDisabledChannel_where_all_channels_are_used():
# """Get the first disabled channel."""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar')
# channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1)
# channel1.settings.modem_config = 3
# channel1.settings.psk = b'\x01'
# channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=2)
# channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=2)
# channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=2)
# channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=2)
# channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=2)
# channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=2)
# channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=2)
# channels = [ channel1, channel2, channel3, channel4, channel5, channel6, channel7, channel8 ]
# anode.channels = channels
# ch = anode.getDisabledChannel()
# assert ch is None
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_getAdminChannelIndex():
# """Get the 'admin' channel index."""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar')
# channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1)
# channel1.settings.modem_config = 3
# channel1.settings.psk = b'\x01'
# channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=2)
# channel2.settings.psk = b'\x8a\x94y\x0e\xc6\xc9\x1e5\x91\x12@\xa60\xa8\xb43\x87\x00\xf2K\x0e\xe7\x7fAz\xcd\xf5\xb0\x900\xa84'
# = 'admin'
# channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=0)
# channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=0)
# channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=0)
# channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=0)
# channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=0)
# channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=0)
# channels = [ channel1, channel2, channel3, channel4, channel5, channel6, channel7, channel8 ]
# anode.channels = channels
# i = anode._getAdminChannelIndex()
# assert i == 2
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_getAdminChannelIndex_when_no_admin_named_channel():
# """Get the 'admin' channel when there is not one."""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar')
# channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1)
# channel1.settings.modem_config = 3
# channel1.settings.psk = b'\x01'
# channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=0)
# channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=0)
# channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=0)
# channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=0)
# channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=0)
# channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=0)
# channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=0)
# channels = [ channel1, channel2, channel3, channel4, channel5, channel6, channel7, channel8 ]
# anode.channels = channels
# i = anode._getAdminChannelIndex()
# assert i == 0
# TODO: should we check if we need to turn it off?
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_turnOffEncryptionOnPrimaryChannel(capsys):
# """Turn off encryption when there is a psk."""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar', noProto=True)
# channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1)
# channel1.settings.modem_config = 3
# # value from using "--ch-set psk 0x1a1a1a1a2b2b2b2b1a1a1a1a2b2b2b2b1a1a1a1a2b2b2b2b1a1a1a1a2b2b2b2b "
# channel1.settings.psk = b'\x1a\x1a\x1a\x1a++++\x1a\x1a\x1a\x1a++++\x1a\x1a\x1a\x1a++++\x1a\x1a\x1a\x1a++++'
# channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=0)
# channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=0)
# channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=0)
# channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=0)
# channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=0)
# channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=0)
# channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=0)
# channels = [ channel1, channel2, channel3, channel4, channel5, channel6, channel7, channel8 ]
# anode.channels = channels
# anode.turnOffEncryptionOnPrimaryChannel()
# out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert'Writing modified channels to device', out)
# assert err == ''
def test_writeConfig_with_no_radioConfig(capsys):
"""Test writeConfig with no radioConfig."""
anode = Node("foo", "bar", noProto=True)
with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert"Error: No valid config with name foo", out)
assert err == ""
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_writeConfig(caplog):
# """Test writeConfig"""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar', noProto=True)
# radioConfig = RadioConfig()
# anode.radioConfig = radioConfig
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.writeConfig()
# assert'Wrote config', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
def test_requestChannel_not_localNode(caplog, capsys):
"""Test _requestChannel()"""
iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
with patch("meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface", return_value=iface) as mo:
mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None
mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8
anode = Node(mo, "bar", noProto=True)
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
r"Requesting channel 0 info from remote node", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert"Requesting channel 0 info", out, re.MULTILINE)
assert err == ""
def test_requestChannel_localNode(caplog):
"""Test _requestChannel()"""
iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
with patch("meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface", return_value=iface) as mo:
mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None
mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8
anode = Node(mo, "bar", noProto=True)
# Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
mo.localNode = anode
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
assert"Requesting channel 0", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
assert not"from remote node", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
def test_requestChannels_non_localNode(caplog):
"""Test requestChannels() with a starting index of 0"""
iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
with patch("meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface", return_value=iface) as mo:
mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None
mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8
anode = Node(mo, "bar", noProto=True)
anode.partialChannels = ['0']
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
assert"Requesting channel 0 info from remote node", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
assert anode.partialChannels == []
def test_requestChannels_non_localNode_starting_index(caplog):
"""Test requestChannels() with a starting index of non-0"""
iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
with patch("meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface", return_value=iface) as mo:
mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None
mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8
anode = Node(mo, "bar", noProto=True)
anode.partialChannels = ['1']
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
assert"Requesting channel 3 info from remote node", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# make sure it hasn't been initialized
assert anode.partialChannels == ['1']
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMesagePart1(caplog):
# """Test onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart1()"""
# part1 = CannedMessagePluginMessagePart1()
# part1.text = 'foo1'
# msg1 = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# msg1.get_canned_message_plugin_part1_response = part1
# packet = {
# 'from': 682968612,
# 'to': 682968612,
# 'decoded': {
# 'portnum': 'ADMIN_APP',
# 'payload': 'faked',
# 'requestId': 927039000,
# 'admin': {
# 'getCannedMessagePluginPart1Response': {'text': 'foo1'},
# 'raw': msg1
# }
# },
# 'id': 589440320,
# 'rxTime': 1642710843,
# 'hopLimit': 3,
# 'priority': 'RELIABLE',
# 'raw': 'faked',
# 'fromId': '!28b54624',
# 'toId': '!28b54624'
# }
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart1(packet)
# assert'onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart1', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert anode.cannedPluginMessagePart1 == 'foo1'
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMesagePart2(caplog):
# """Test onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart2()"""
# part2 = CannedMessagePluginMessagePart2()
# part2.text = 'foo2'
# msg2 = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# msg2.get_canned_message_plugin_part2_response = part2
# packet = {
# 'from': 682968612,
# 'to': 682968612,
# 'decoded': {
# 'portnum': 'ADMIN_APP',
# 'payload': 'faked',
# 'requestId': 927039000,
# 'admin': {
# 'getCannedMessagePluginPart2Response': {'text': 'foo2'},
# 'raw': msg2
# }
# },
# 'id': 589440320,
# 'rxTime': 1642710843,
# 'hopLimit': 3,
# 'priority': 'RELIABLE',
# 'raw': 'faked',
# 'fromId': '!28b54624',
# 'toId': '!28b54624'
# }
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart2(packet)
# assert'onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart2', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert anode.cannedPluginMessagePart2 == 'foo2'
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMesagePart3(caplog):
# """Test onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart3()"""
# part3 = CannedMessagePluginMessagePart3()
# part3.text = 'foo3'
# msg3 = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# msg3.get_canned_message_plugin_part3_response = part3
# packet = {
# 'from': 682968612,
# 'to': 682968612,
# 'decoded': {
# 'portnum': 'ADMIN_APP',
# 'payload': 'faked',
# 'requestId': 927039000,
# 'admin': {
# 'getCannedMessagePluginPart3Response': {'text': 'foo3'},
# 'raw': msg3
# }
# },
# 'id': 589440320,
# 'rxTime': 1642710843,
# 'hopLimit': 3,
# 'priority': 'RELIABLE',
# 'raw': 'faked',
# 'fromId': '!28b54624',
# 'toId': '!28b54624'
# }
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart3(packet)
# assert'onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart3', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert anode.cannedPluginMessagePart3 == 'foo3'
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMesagePart4(caplog):
# """Test onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart4()"""
# part4 = CannedMessagePluginMessagePart4()
# part4.text = 'foo4'
# msg4 = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# msg4.get_canned_message_plugin_part4_response = part4
# packet = {
# 'from': 682968612,
# 'to': 682968612,
# 'decoded': {
# 'portnum': 'ADMIN_APP',
# 'payload': 'faked',
# 'requestId': 927039000,
# 'admin': {
# 'getCannedMessagePluginPart4Response': {'text': 'foo4'},
# 'raw': msg4
# }
# },
# 'id': 589440320,
# 'rxTime': 1642710843,
# 'hopLimit': 3,
# 'priority': 'RELIABLE',
# 'raw': 'faked',
# 'fromId': '!28b54624',
# 'toId': '!28b54624'
# }
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart4(packet)
# assert'onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart4', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert anode.cannedPluginMessagePart4 == 'foo4'
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMesagePart5(caplog):
# """Test onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart5()"""
# part5 = CannedMessagePluginMessagePart5()
# part5.text = 'foo5'
# msg5 = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# msg5.get_canned_message_plugin_part5_response = part5
# packet = {
# 'from': 682968612,
# 'to': 682968612,
# 'decoded': {
# 'portnum': 'ADMIN_APP',
# 'payload': 'faked',
# 'requestId': 927039000,
# 'admin': {
# 'getCannedMessagePluginPart5Response': {'text': 'foo5'},
# 'raw': msg5
# }
# },
# 'id': 589440320,
# 'rxTime': 1642710843,
# 'hopLimit': 3,
# 'priority': 'RELIABLE',
# 'raw': 'faked',
# 'fromId': '!28b54624',
# 'toId': '!28b54624'
# }
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart5(packet)
# assert'onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart5', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert anode.cannedPluginMessagePart5 == 'foo5'
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMesagePart1_error(caplog, capsys):
# """Test onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart1() with error"""
# packet = {
# 'decoded': {
# 'routing': {
# 'errorReason': 'some made up error',
# },
# },
# }
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart1(packet)
# assert'onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart1', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert'Error on response', out)
# assert err == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMesagePart2_error(caplog, capsys):
# """Test onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart2() with error"""
# packet = {
# 'decoded': {
# 'routing': {
# 'errorReason': 'some made up error',
# },
# },
# }
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart2(packet)
# assert'onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart2', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert'Error on response', out)
# assert err == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMesagePart3_error(caplog, capsys):
# """Test onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart3() with error"""
# packet = {
# 'decoded': {
# 'routing': {
# 'errorReason': 'some made up error',
# },
# },
# }
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart3(packet)
# assert'onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart3', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert'Error on response', out)
# assert err == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMesagePart4_error(caplog, capsys):
# """Test onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart4() with error"""
# packet = {
# 'decoded': {
# 'routing': {
# 'errorReason': 'some made up error',
# },
# },
# }
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart4(packet)
# assert'onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart4', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert'Error on response', out)
# assert err == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMesagePart5_error(caplog, capsys):
# """Test onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart5() with error"""
# packet = {
# 'decoded': {
# 'routing': {
# 'errorReason': 'some made up error',
# },
# },
# }
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart5(packet)
# assert'onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessagePart5', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert'Error on response', out)
# assert err == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_onResponseRequestChannel(caplog):
# """Test onResponseRequestChannel()"""
# channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1)
# channel1.settings.modem_config = 3
# channel1.settings.psk = b'\x01'
# msg1 = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# msg1.get_channel_response = channel1
# msg2 = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=0) # disabled
# msg2.get_channel_response = channel2
# # default primary channel
# packet1 = {
# 'from': 2475227164,
# 'to': 2475227164,
# 'decoded': {
# 'portnum': 'ADMIN_APP',
# 'payload': b':\t\x12\x05\x18\x03"\x01\x01\x18\x01',
# 'requestId': 2615094405,
# 'admin': {
# 'getChannelResponse': {
# 'settings': {
# 'modemConfig': 'Bw125Cr48Sf4096',
# 'psk': 'AQ=='
# },
# 'role': 'PRIMARY'
# },
# 'raw': msg1,
# }
# },
# 'id': 1692918436,
# 'hopLimit': 3,
# 'priority':
# 'raw': 'fake',
# 'fromId': '!9388f81c',
# 'toId': '!9388f81c'
# }
# # no other channels
# packet2 = {
# 'from': 2475227164,
# 'to': 2475227164,
# 'decoded': {
# 'portnum': 'ADMIN_APP',
# 'payload': b':\x04\x08\x02\x12\x00',
# 'requestId': 743049663,
# 'admin': {
# 'getChannelResponse': {
# 'index': 2,
# 'settings': {}
# },
# 'raw': msg2,
# }
# },
# 'id': 1692918456,
# 'rxTime': 1640202239,
# 'hopLimit': 3,
# 'priority': 'RELIABLE',
# 'raw': 'faked',
# 'fromId': '!9388f81c',
# 'toId': '!9388f81c'
# }
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None
# mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# radioConfig = RadioConfig()
# anode.radioConfig = radioConfig
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.requestConfig()
# anode.onResponseRequestChannel(packet1)
# assert'Received channel', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# anode.onResponseRequestChannel(packet2)
# assert'Received channel', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert'Finished downloading channels', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# assert len(anode.channels) == 8
# assert anode.channels[0].settings.modem_config == 3
# assert anode.channels[1] == ''
# assert anode.channels[2] == ''
# assert anode.channels[3] == ''
# assert anode.channels[4] == ''
# assert anode.channels[5] == ''
# assert anode.channels[6] == ''
# assert anode.channels[7] == ''
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_onResponseRequestSetting(caplog):
# """Test onResponseRequestSetting()"""
# # Note: Split out the get_radio_response to a MagicMock
# # so it could be "returned" (not really sure how to do that
# # in a python dict.
# amsg = MagicMock(autospec=AdminMessage)
# amsg.get_radio_response = """{
# preferences {
# phone_timeout_secs: 900
# ls_secs: 300
# position_broadcast_smart: true
# position_flags: 35
# }
# }"""
# packet = {
# 'from': 2475227164,
# 'to': 2475227164,
# 'decoded': {
# 'portnum': 'ADMIN_APP',
# 'payload': b'*\x0e\n\x0c0\x84\x07P\xac\x02\x88\x01\x01\xb0\t#',
# 'requestId': 3145147848,
# 'admin': {
# 'getRadioResponse': {
# 'preferences': {
# 'phoneTimeoutSecs': 900,
# 'lsSecs': 300,
# 'positionBroadcastSmart': True,
# 'positionFlags': 35
# }
# },
# 'raw': amsg
# },
# 'id': 365963704,
# 'rxTime': 1640195197,
# 'hopLimit': 3,
# 'priority': 'RELIABLE',
# 'raw': 'faked',
# 'fromId': '!9388f81c',
# 'toId': '!9388f81c'
# }
# }
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None
# mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# radioConfig = RadioConfig()
# anode.radioConfig = radioConfig
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
# anode.onResponseRequestSettings(packet)
# assert'Received radio config, now fetching channels..', caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
# @pytest.mark.unit
# def test_onResponseRequestSetting_with_error(capsys):
# """Test onResponseRequestSetting() with an error"""
# packet = {
# 'from': 2475227164,
# 'to': 2475227164,
# 'decoded': {
# 'portnum': 'ADMIN_APP',
# 'payload': b'*\x0e\n\x0c0\x84\x07P\xac\x02\x88\x01\x01\xb0\t#',
# 'requestId': 3145147848,
# 'routing': {
# 'errorReason': 'some made up error',
# },
# 'admin': {
# 'getRadioResponse': {
# 'preferences': {
# 'phoneTimeoutSecs': 900,
# 'lsSecs': 300,
# 'positionBroadcastSmart': True,
# 'positionFlags': 35
# }
# },
# },
# 'id': 365963704,
# 'rxTime': 1640195197,
# 'hopLimit': 3,
# 'priority': 'RELIABLE',
# 'fromId': '!9388f81c',
# 'toId': '!9388f81c'
# }
# }
# iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
# with patch('meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface', return_value=iface) as mo:
# mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None
# mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8
# anode = Node(mo, 'bar', noProto=True)
# radioConfig = RadioConfig()
# anode.radioConfig = radioConfig
# # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock
# mo.localNode = anode
# anode.onResponseRequestSettings(packet)
# out, err = capsys.readouterr()
# assert'Error on response', out)
# assert err == ''
@pytest.mark.parametrize("favorite", ["!1dec0ded", 502009325])
def test_set_favorite(favorite):
"""Test setFavorite"""
iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
node = Node(iface, 12345678)
amesg = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
with patch("meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage", return_value=amesg):
assert amesg.set_favorite_node == 502009325
@pytest.mark.parametrize("favorite", ["!1dec0ded", 502009325])
def test_remove_favorite(favorite):
"""Test setFavorite"""
iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
node = Node(iface, 12345678)
amesg = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
with patch("meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage", return_value=amesg):
assert amesg.remove_favorite_node == 502009325
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ignored", ["!1dec0ded", 502009325])
def test_set_ignored(ignored):
"""Test setFavorite"""
iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
node = Node(iface, 12345678)
amesg = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
with patch("meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage", return_value=amesg):
assert amesg.set_ignored_node == 502009325
@pytest.mark.parametrize("ignored", ["!1dec0ded", 502009325])
def test_remove_ignored(ignored):
"""Test setFavorite"""
iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface)
node = Node(iface, 12345678)
amesg = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
with patch("meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage", return_value=amesg):
assert amesg.remove_ignored_node == 502009325
# @pytest.mark.unitslow
# def test_waitForConfig():
# """Test waitForConfig()"""
# anode = Node('foo', 'bar')
# radioConfig = RadioConfig()
# anode.radioConfig = radioConfig
# anode._timeout = Timeout(0.01)
# result = anode.waitForConfig()
# assert not result
def test_exitSimulator(caplog)
Test exitSimulator
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@pytest.mark.unit def test_exitSimulator(caplog): """Test exitSimulator""" interface = MeshInterface() interface.nodesByNum = {} anode = Node(interface, "!ba400000", noProto=True) with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): anode.exitSimulator() assert"in exitSimulator", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
def test_getChannelByChannelIndex()
Test getChannelByChannelIndex()
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@pytest.mark.unit def test_getChannelByChannelIndex(): """Test getChannelByChannelIndex()""" anode = Node("foo", "bar") channel1 = Channel(index=1, role=1) # primary channel channel2 = Channel(index=2, role=2) # secondary channel channel3 = Channel(index=3, role=0) channel4 = Channel(index=4, role=0) channel5 = Channel(index=5, role=0) channel6 = Channel(index=6, role=0) channel7 = Channel(index=7, role=0) channel8 = Channel(index=8, role=0) channels = [ channel1, channel2, channel3, channel4, channel5, channel6, channel7, channel8, ] anode.channels = channels # test primary assert anode.getChannelByChannelIndex(0) is not None # test secondary assert anode.getChannelByChannelIndex(1) is not None # test disabled assert anode.getChannelByChannelIndex(2) is not None # test invalid values assert anode.getChannelByChannelIndex(-1) is None assert anode.getChannelByChannelIndex(9) is None
def test_node(capsys)
Test that we can instantiate a Node
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@pytest.mark.unit def test_node(capsys): """Test that we can instantiate a Node""" iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface) with patch("meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface", return_value=iface) as mo: mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8 anode = Node(mo, "bar", noProto=True) lc = localonly_pb2.LocalConfig() anode.localConfig = lc lc.lora.CopyFrom(config_pb2.Config.LoRaConfig()) anode.moduleConfig = localonly_pb2.LocalModuleConfig() anode.showInfo() out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert'Preferences', out) assert'Module preferences', out) assert'Channels', out) assert'Primary channel URL', out) assert not'remote node', out) assert err == ''
def test_reboot(caplog)
Test reboot
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@pytest.mark.unit def test_reboot(caplog): """Test reboot""" interface = MeshInterface() interface.nodesByNum = {} anode = Node(interface, 1234567890, noProto=True) with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): anode.reboot() assert"Telling node to reboot", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
def test_remove_favorite(favorite)
Test setFavorite
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@pytest.mark.unit @pytest.mark.parametrize("favorite", ["!1dec0ded", 502009325]) def test_remove_favorite(favorite): """Test setFavorite""" iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface) node = Node(iface, 12345678) amesg = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() with patch("meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage", return_value=amesg): node.removeFavorite(favorite) assert amesg.remove_favorite_node == 502009325 iface.sendData.assert_called_once()
def test_remove_ignored(ignored)
Test setFavorite
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@pytest.mark.unit @pytest.mark.parametrize("ignored", ["!1dec0ded", 502009325]) def test_remove_ignored(ignored): """Test setFavorite""" iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface) node = Node(iface, 12345678) amesg = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() with patch("meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage", return_value=amesg): node.removeIgnored(ignored) assert amesg.remove_ignored_node == 502009325 iface.sendData.assert_called_once()
def test_requestChannel_localNode(caplog)
Test _requestChannel()
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@pytest.mark.unit def test_requestChannel_localNode(caplog): """Test _requestChannel()""" iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface) with patch("meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface", return_value=iface) as mo: mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8 anode = Node(mo, "bar", noProto=True) # Note: Have to do this next line because every call to MagicMock object/method returns a new magic mock mo.localNode = anode with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): anode._requestChannel(0) assert"Requesting channel 0", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE) assert not"from remote node", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
def test_requestChannel_not_localNode(caplog, capsys)
Test _requestChannel()
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@pytest.mark.unit def test_requestChannel_not_localNode(caplog, capsys): """Test _requestChannel()""" iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface) with patch("meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface", return_value=iface) as mo: mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8 anode = Node(mo, "bar", noProto=True) with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): anode._requestChannel(0) assert r"Requesting channel 0 info from remote node", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE ) out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert"Requesting channel 0 info", out, re.MULTILINE) assert err == ""
def test_requestChannels_non_localNode(caplog)
Test requestChannels() with a starting index of 0
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@pytest.mark.unit def test_requestChannels_non_localNode(caplog): """Test requestChannels() with a starting index of 0""" iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface) with patch("meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface", return_value=iface) as mo: mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8 anode = Node(mo, "bar", noProto=True) anode.partialChannels = ['0'] with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): anode.requestChannels(0) assert"Requesting channel 0 info from remote node", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE) assert anode.partialChannels == []
def test_requestChannels_non_localNode_starting_index(caplog)
Test requestChannels() with a starting index of non-0
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@pytest.mark.unit def test_requestChannels_non_localNode_starting_index(caplog): """Test requestChannels() with a starting index of non-0""" iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface) with patch("meshtastic.serial_interface.SerialInterface", return_value=iface) as mo: mo.localNode.getChannelByName.return_value = None mo.myInfo.max_channels = 8 anode = Node(mo, "bar", noProto=True) anode.partialChannels = ['1'] with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): anode.requestChannels(3) assert"Requesting channel 3 info from remote node", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE) # make sure it hasn't been initialized assert anode.partialChannels == ['1']
def test_setURL_empty_url(capsys)
Test reboot
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@pytest.mark.unit def test_setURL_empty_url(capsys): """Test reboot""" anode = Node("foo", "bar", noProto=True) with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e: anode.setURL("") assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert"Warning: config or channels not loaded", out, re.MULTILINE) assert err == ""
def test_setURL_valid_URL_but_no_settings(capsys)
Test setURL
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@pytest.mark.unit def test_setURL_valid_URL_but_no_settings(capsys): """Test setURL""" iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface) url = "" with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e: anode = Node(iface, "bar", noProto=True) anode.radioConfig = "baz" anode.setURL(url) assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert"Warning: config or channels not loaded", out, re.MULTILINE) assert err == ""
def test_set_favorite(favorite)
Test setFavorite
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@pytest.mark.unit @pytest.mark.parametrize("favorite", ["!1dec0ded", 502009325]) def test_set_favorite(favorite): """Test setFavorite""" iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface) node = Node(iface, 12345678) amesg = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() with patch("meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage", return_value=amesg): node.setFavorite(favorite) assert amesg.set_favorite_node == 502009325 iface.sendData.assert_called_once()
def test_set_ignored(ignored)
Test setFavorite
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@pytest.mark.unit @pytest.mark.parametrize("ignored", ["!1dec0ded", 502009325]) def test_set_ignored(ignored): """Test setFavorite""" iface = MagicMock(autospec=SerialInterface) node = Node(iface, 12345678) amesg = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() with patch("meshtastic.admin_pb2.AdminMessage", return_value=amesg): node.setIgnored(ignored) assert amesg.set_ignored_node == 502009325 iface.sendData.assert_called_once()
def test_shutdown(caplog)
Test shutdown
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@pytest.mark.unit def test_shutdown(caplog): """Test shutdown""" interface = MeshInterface() interface.nodesByNum = {} anode = Node(interface, 1234567890, noProto=True) with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG): anode.shutdown() assert"Telling node to shutdown", caplog.text, re.MULTILINE)
def test_writeConfig_with_no_radioConfig(capsys)
Test writeConfig with no radioConfig.
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@pytest.mark.unit def test_writeConfig_with_no_radioConfig(capsys): """Test writeConfig with no radioConfig.""" anode = Node("foo", "bar", noProto=True) with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e: anode.writeConfig('foo') assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 1 out, err = capsys.readouterr() print(out) assert"Error: No valid config with name foo", out) assert err == ""