Module meshtastic.slog.slog

code logging power consumption of meshtastic devices.

Expand source code
"""code logging power consumption of meshtastic devices."""

import atexit
import io
import logging
import os
import re
import threading
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from functools import reduce
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple

import parse  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
import platformdirs
import pyarrow as pa
from pubsub import pub  # type: ignore[import-untyped]

from meshtastic.mesh_interface import MeshInterface
from meshtastic.powermon import PowerMeter

from .arrow import FeatherWriter

def root_dir() -> str:
    """Return the root directory for slog files."""

    app_name = "meshtastic"
    app_author = "meshtastic"
    app_dir = platformdirs.user_data_dir(app_name, app_author)
    dir_name = f"{app_dir}/slogs"
    os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True)
    return dir_name

class LogDef:
    """Log definition."""

    code: str  # i.e. PM or B or whatever... see meshtastic slog documentation
    fields: List[Tuple[str, pa.DataType]]  # A list of field names and their arrow types
    format: parse.Parser  # A format string that can be used to parse the arguments

    def __init__(self, code: str, fields: List[Tuple[str, pa.DataType]]) -> None:
        """Initialize the LogDef object.

        code (str): The code.
        format (str): The format.

        self.code = code
        self.fields = fields

        fmt = ""
        for idx, f in enumerate(fields):
            if idx != 0:
                fmt += ","

            # make the format string
            suffix = (
                "" if f[1] == pa.string() else ":d"
            )  # treat as a string or an int (the only types we have so far)
            fmt += "{" + f[0] + suffix + "}"
        self.format = parse.compile(
        )  # We include a catchall matcher at the end - to ignore stuff we don't understand

"""A dictionary mapping from logdef code to logdef"""
log_defs = {
    d.code: d
    for d in [
        LogDef("B", [("board_id", pa.uint32()), ("sw_version", pa.string())]),
        LogDef("PM", [("pm_mask", pa.uint64()), ("pm_reason", pa.string())]),
        LogDef("PS", [("ps_state", pa.uint32())]),
log_regex = re.compile(".*S:([0-9A-Za-z]+):(.*)")

class PowerLogger:
    """Logs current watts reading periodically using PowerMeter and ArrowWriter."""

    def __init__(self, pMeter: PowerMeter, file_path: str, interval=0.002) -> None:
        """Initialize the PowerLogger object."""
        self.pMeter = pMeter
        self.writer = FeatherWriter(file_path)
        self.interval = interval
        self.is_logging = True
        self.thread = threading.Thread(
            target=self._logging_thread, name="PowerLogger", daemon=True

    def store_current_reading(self, now: Optional[datetime] = None) -> None:
        """Store current power measurement."""
        if now is None:
            now =
        d = {
            "time": now,
            "average_mW": self.pMeter.get_average_current_mA(),
            "max_mW": self.pMeter.get_max_current_mA(),
            "min_mW": self.pMeter.get_min_current_mA(),

    def _logging_thread(self) -> None:
        """Background thread for logging the current watts reading."""
        while self.is_logging:

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Close the PowerLogger and stop logging."""
        if self.is_logging:
            self.is_logging = False

# FIXME move these defs somewhere else
TOPIC_MESHTASTIC_LOG_LINE = "meshtastic.log.line"

class StructuredLogger:
    """Sniffs device logs for structured log messages, extracts those into apache arrow format.
    Also writes the raw log messages to raw.txt"""

    def __init__(
        client: MeshInterface,
        dir_path: str,
        power_logger: Optional[PowerLogger] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize the StructuredLogger object.

        client (MeshInterface): The MeshInterface object to monitor.
        self.client = client
        self.power_logger = power_logger

        # Setup the arrow writer (and its schema)
        self.writer = FeatherWriter(f"{dir_path}/slog")
        all_fields = reduce(
            (lambda x, y: x + y), map(lambda x: x.fields, log_defs.values())

        self.include_raw = include_raw
        if self.include_raw:
            all_fields.append(("raw", pa.string()))

        # Use timestamp as the first column
        all_fields.insert(0, ("time", pa.timestamp("us")))

        # pass in our name->type tuples a pa.fields
            pa.schema(map(lambda x: pa.field(x[0], x[1]), all_fields))

        self.raw_file: Optional[
        ] = open(  # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
            f"{dir_path}/raw.txt", "w", encoding="utf8"

        # We need a closure here because the subscription API is very strict about exact arg matching
        def listen_glue(line, interface):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument

        self._listen_glue = (
            listen_glue  # we must save this so it doesn't get garbage collected
        self._listener = pub.subscribe(listen_glue, TOPIC_MESHTASTIC_LOG_LINE)

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Stop logging."""
        pub.unsubscribe(self._listener, TOPIC_MESHTASTIC_LOG_LINE)
        f = self.raw_file
        self.raw_file = None  # mark that we are shutting down
        if f:
            f.close()  # Close the raw.txt file

    def _onLogMessage(self, line: str) -> None:
        """Handle log messages.

        line (str): the line of log output

        di = {}  # the dictionary of the fields we found to log

        m = log_regex.match(line)
        if m:
            src =
            args =
            logging.debug(f"SLog {src}, args: {args}")

            d = log_defs.get(src)
            if d:
                last_field = d.fields[-1]
                last_is_str = last_field[1] == pa.string()
                if last_is_str:
                    args += " "
                    # append a space so that if the last arg is an empty str
                    # it will still be accepted as a match for a str

                r = d.format.parse(args)  # get the values with the correct types
                if r:
                    di = r.named
                    if last_is_str:
                        di[last_field[0]] = di[
                        ].strip()  # remove the trailing space we added
                        if di[last_field[0]] == "":
                            # If the last field is an empty string, remove it
                            del di[last_field[0]]
                    logging.warning(f"Failed to parse slog {line} with {d.format}")
                logging.warning(f"Unknown Structured Log: {line}")

        # Store our structured log record
        if di or self.include_raw:
            now =
            di["time"] = now
            if self.include_raw:
                di["raw"] = line

            # If we have a sibling power logger, make sure we have a power measurement with the EXACT same timestamp
            if self.power_logger:

        if self.raw_file:
            self.raw_file.write(line + "\n")  # Write the raw log

class LogSet:
    """A complete set of meshtastic log/metadata for a particular run."""

    def __init__(
        client: MeshInterface,
        dir_name: Optional[str] = None,
        power_meter: Optional[PowerMeter] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize the PowerMonClient object.

        power (PowerSupply): The power supply object.
        client (MeshInterface): The MeshInterface object to monitor.

        if not dir_name:
            app_dir = root_dir()
            dir_name = f"{app_dir}/{'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}"
            os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True)

            # Also make a 'latest' directory that always points to the most recent logs
            # symlink might fail on some platforms, if it does fail silently
            if os.path.exists(f"{app_dir}/latest"):
            os.symlink(dir_name, f"{app_dir}/latest", target_is_directory=True)

        self.dir_name = dir_name"Writing slogs to {dir_name}")

        self.power_logger: Optional[PowerLogger] = (
            if not power_meter
            else PowerLogger(power_meter, f"{self.dir_name}/power")

        self.slog_logger: Optional[StructuredLogger] = StructuredLogger(
            client, self.dir_name, power_logger=self.power_logger

        # Store a lambda so we can find it again to unregister
        self.atexit_handler = lambda: self.close()  # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Close the log set."""

        if self.slog_logger:
  "Closing slogs in {self.dir_name}")
            )  # docs say it will silently ignore if not found
            if self.power_logger:
            self.slog_logger = None


def root_dir() ‑> str

Return the root directory for slog files.

Expand source code
def root_dir() -> str:
    """Return the root directory for slog files."""

    app_name = "meshtastic"
    app_author = "meshtastic"
    app_dir = platformdirs.user_data_dir(app_name, app_author)
    dir_name = f"{app_dir}/slogs"
    os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True)
    return dir_name


class LogDef (code: str, fields: List[Tuple[str, pyarrow.lib.DataType]])

Log definition.

Initialize the LogDef object.

code (str): The code. format (str): The format.

Expand source code
class LogDef:
    """Log definition."""

    code: str  # i.e. PM or B or whatever... see meshtastic slog documentation
    fields: List[Tuple[str, pa.DataType]]  # A list of field names and their arrow types
    format: parse.Parser  # A format string that can be used to parse the arguments

    def __init__(self, code: str, fields: List[Tuple[str, pa.DataType]]) -> None:
        """Initialize the LogDef object.

        code (str): The code.
        format (str): The format.

        self.code = code
        self.fields = fields

        fmt = ""
        for idx, f in enumerate(fields):
            if idx != 0:
                fmt += ","

            # make the format string
            suffix = (
                "" if f[1] == pa.string() else ":d"
            )  # treat as a string or an int (the only types we have so far)
            fmt += "{" + f[0] + suffix + "}"
        self.format = parse.compile(
        )  # We include a catchall matcher at the end - to ignore stuff we don't understand

Class variables

var code : str
var fields : List[Tuple[str, pyarrow.lib.DataType]]
var format : parse.Parser
class LogSet (client: MeshInterface, dir_name: Optional[str] = None, power_meter: Optional[PowerMeter] = None)

A complete set of meshtastic log/metadata for a particular run.

Initialize the PowerMonClient object.

power (PowerSupply): The power supply object. client (MeshInterface): The MeshInterface object to monitor.

Expand source code
class LogSet:
    """A complete set of meshtastic log/metadata for a particular run."""

    def __init__(
        client: MeshInterface,
        dir_name: Optional[str] = None,
        power_meter: Optional[PowerMeter] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize the PowerMonClient object.

        power (PowerSupply): The power supply object.
        client (MeshInterface): The MeshInterface object to monitor.

        if not dir_name:
            app_dir = root_dir()
            dir_name = f"{app_dir}/{'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')}"
            os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True)

            # Also make a 'latest' directory that always points to the most recent logs
            # symlink might fail on some platforms, if it does fail silently
            if os.path.exists(f"{app_dir}/latest"):
            os.symlink(dir_name, f"{app_dir}/latest", target_is_directory=True)

        self.dir_name = dir_name"Writing slogs to {dir_name}")

        self.power_logger: Optional[PowerLogger] = (
            if not power_meter
            else PowerLogger(power_meter, f"{self.dir_name}/power")

        self.slog_logger: Optional[StructuredLogger] = StructuredLogger(
            client, self.dir_name, power_logger=self.power_logger

        # Store a lambda so we can find it again to unregister
        self.atexit_handler = lambda: self.close()  # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Close the log set."""

        if self.slog_logger:
  "Closing slogs in {self.dir_name}")
            )  # docs say it will silently ignore if not found
            if self.power_logger:
            self.slog_logger = None


def close(self) ‑> None

Close the log set.

Expand source code
def close(self) -> None:
    """Close the log set."""

    if self.slog_logger:"Closing slogs in {self.dir_name}")
        )  # docs say it will silently ignore if not found
        if self.power_logger:
        self.slog_logger = None
class PowerLogger (pMeter: PowerMeter, file_path: str, interval=0.002)

Logs current watts reading periodically using PowerMeter and ArrowWriter.

Initialize the PowerLogger object.

Expand source code
class PowerLogger:
    """Logs current watts reading periodically using PowerMeter and ArrowWriter."""

    def __init__(self, pMeter: PowerMeter, file_path: str, interval=0.002) -> None:
        """Initialize the PowerLogger object."""
        self.pMeter = pMeter
        self.writer = FeatherWriter(file_path)
        self.interval = interval
        self.is_logging = True
        self.thread = threading.Thread(
            target=self._logging_thread, name="PowerLogger", daemon=True

    def store_current_reading(self, now: Optional[datetime] = None) -> None:
        """Store current power measurement."""
        if now is None:
            now =
        d = {
            "time": now,
            "average_mW": self.pMeter.get_average_current_mA(),
            "max_mW": self.pMeter.get_max_current_mA(),
            "min_mW": self.pMeter.get_min_current_mA(),

    def _logging_thread(self) -> None:
        """Background thread for logging the current watts reading."""
        while self.is_logging:

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Close the PowerLogger and stop logging."""
        if self.is_logging:
            self.is_logging = False


def close(self) ‑> None

Close the PowerLogger and stop logging.

Expand source code
def close(self) -> None:
    """Close the PowerLogger and stop logging."""
    if self.is_logging:
        self.is_logging = False
def store_current_reading(self, now: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None) ‑> None

Store current power measurement.

Expand source code
def store_current_reading(self, now: Optional[datetime] = None) -> None:
    """Store current power measurement."""
    if now is None:
        now =
    d = {
        "time": now,
        "average_mW": self.pMeter.get_average_current_mA(),
        "max_mW": self.pMeter.get_max_current_mA(),
        "min_mW": self.pMeter.get_min_current_mA(),
class StructuredLogger (client: MeshInterface, dir_path: str, power_logger: Optional[PowerLogger] = None, include_raw=True)

Sniffs device logs for structured log messages, extracts those into apache arrow format. Also writes the raw log messages to raw.txt

Initialize the StructuredLogger object.

client (MeshInterface): The MeshInterface object to monitor.

Expand source code
class StructuredLogger:
    """Sniffs device logs for structured log messages, extracts those into apache arrow format.
    Also writes the raw log messages to raw.txt"""

    def __init__(
        client: MeshInterface,
        dir_path: str,
        power_logger: Optional[PowerLogger] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Initialize the StructuredLogger object.

        client (MeshInterface): The MeshInterface object to monitor.
        self.client = client
        self.power_logger = power_logger

        # Setup the arrow writer (and its schema)
        self.writer = FeatherWriter(f"{dir_path}/slog")
        all_fields = reduce(
            (lambda x, y: x + y), map(lambda x: x.fields, log_defs.values())

        self.include_raw = include_raw
        if self.include_raw:
            all_fields.append(("raw", pa.string()))

        # Use timestamp as the first column
        all_fields.insert(0, ("time", pa.timestamp("us")))

        # pass in our name->type tuples a pa.fields
            pa.schema(map(lambda x: pa.field(x[0], x[1]), all_fields))

        self.raw_file: Optional[
        ] = open(  # pylint: disable=consider-using-with
            f"{dir_path}/raw.txt", "w", encoding="utf8"

        # We need a closure here because the subscription API is very strict about exact arg matching
        def listen_glue(line, interface):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument

        self._listen_glue = (
            listen_glue  # we must save this so it doesn't get garbage collected
        self._listener = pub.subscribe(listen_glue, TOPIC_MESHTASTIC_LOG_LINE)

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Stop logging."""
        pub.unsubscribe(self._listener, TOPIC_MESHTASTIC_LOG_LINE)
        f = self.raw_file
        self.raw_file = None  # mark that we are shutting down
        if f:
            f.close()  # Close the raw.txt file

    def _onLogMessage(self, line: str) -> None:
        """Handle log messages.

        line (str): the line of log output

        di = {}  # the dictionary of the fields we found to log

        m = log_regex.match(line)
        if m:
            src =
            args =
            logging.debug(f"SLog {src}, args: {args}")

            d = log_defs.get(src)
            if d:
                last_field = d.fields[-1]
                last_is_str = last_field[1] == pa.string()
                if last_is_str:
                    args += " "
                    # append a space so that if the last arg is an empty str
                    # it will still be accepted as a match for a str

                r = d.format.parse(args)  # get the values with the correct types
                if r:
                    di = r.named
                    if last_is_str:
                        di[last_field[0]] = di[
                        ].strip()  # remove the trailing space we added
                        if di[last_field[0]] == "":
                            # If the last field is an empty string, remove it
                            del di[last_field[0]]
                    logging.warning(f"Failed to parse slog {line} with {d.format}")
                logging.warning(f"Unknown Structured Log: {line}")

        # Store our structured log record
        if di or self.include_raw:
            now =
            di["time"] = now
            if self.include_raw:
                di["raw"] = line

            # If we have a sibling power logger, make sure we have a power measurement with the EXACT same timestamp
            if self.power_logger:

        if self.raw_file:
            self.raw_file.write(line + "\n")  # Write the raw log


def close(self) ‑> None

Stop logging.

Expand source code
def close(self) -> None:
    """Stop logging."""
    pub.unsubscribe(self._listener, TOPIC_MESHTASTIC_LOG_LINE)
    f = self.raw_file
    self.raw_file = None  # mark that we are shutting down
    if f:
        f.close()  # Close the raw.txt file