Module meshtastic.node
Node class
Expand source code
"""Node class
import base64
import logging
import time
from typing import Optional, Union, List
from meshtastic.protobuf import admin_pb2, apponly_pb2, channel_pb2, localonly_pb2, mesh_pb2, portnums_pb2
from meshtastic.util import (
class Node:
"""A model of a (local or remote) node in the mesh
Includes methods for localConfig, moduleConfig and channels
def __init__(self, iface, nodeNum, noProto=False, timeout: int = 300):
self.iface = iface
self.nodeNum = nodeNum
self.localConfig = localonly_pb2.LocalConfig()
self.moduleConfig = localonly_pb2.LocalModuleConfig()
self.channels = None
self._timeout = Timeout(maxSecs=timeout)
self.partialChannels: Optional[List] = None
self.noProto = noProto
self.cannedPluginMessage = None
self.cannedPluginMessageMessages = None
self.ringtone = None
self.ringtonePart = None
self.gotResponse = None
def showChannels(self):
"""Show human readable description of our channels."""
if self.channels:
for c in self.channels:
cStr = message_to_json(c.settings)
# don't show disabled channels
if channel_pb2.Channel.Role.Name(c.role) != "DISABLED":
f" Index {c.index}: {channel_pb2.Channel.Role.Name(c.role)} psk={pskToString(c.settings.psk)} {cStr}"
publicURL = self.getURL(includeAll=False)
adminURL = self.getURL(includeAll=True)
print(f"\nPrimary channel URL: {publicURL}")
if adminURL != publicURL:
print(f"Complete URL (includes all channels): {adminURL}")
def showInfo(self):
"""Show human readable description of our node"""
prefs = ""
if self.localConfig:
prefs = message_to_json(self.localConfig, multiline=True)
print(f"Preferences: {prefs}\n")
prefs = ""
if self.moduleConfig:
prefs = message_to_json(self.moduleConfig, multiline=True)
print(f"Module preferences: {prefs}\n")
def setChannels(self, channels):
"""Set the channels for this node"""
self.channels = channels
def requestChannels(self, startingIndex: int = 0):
"""Send regular MeshPackets to ask channels."""
logging.debug(f"requestChannels for nodeNum:{self.nodeNum}")
# only initialize if we're starting out fresh
if startingIndex == 0:
self.channels = None
self.partialChannels = [] # We keep our channels in a temp array until finished
def onResponseRequestSettings(self, p):
"""Handle the response packets for requesting settings _requestSettings()"""
logging.debug(f"onResponseRequestSetting() p:{p}")
config_values = None
if "routing" in p["decoded"]:
if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE":
print(f'Error on response: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}')
self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedNak = True
self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedAck = True
adminMessage = p["decoded"]["admin"]
if "getConfigResponse" in adminMessage:
oneof = "get_config_response"
resp = adminMessage["getConfigResponse"]
field = list(resp.keys())[0]
config_type = self.localConfig.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name.get(
if config_type is not None:
config_values = getattr(self.localConfig,
elif "getModuleConfigResponse" in adminMessage:
oneof = "get_module_config_response"
resp = adminMessage["getModuleConfigResponse"]
field = list(resp.keys())[0]
config_type = self.moduleConfig.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name.get(
config_values = getattr(self.moduleConfig,
"Did not receive a valid response. Make sure to have a shared channel named 'admin'."
if config_values is not None:
raw_config = getattr(getattr(adminMessage['raw'], oneof), camel_to_snake(field))
def requestConfig(self, configType):
"""Request the config from the node via admin message"""
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onResponseRequestSettings
print("Requesting current config from remote node (this can take a while).")
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
if isinstance(configType, int):
p.get_config_request = configType
msgIndex = configType.index
if == "LocalConfig":
p.get_config_request = msgIndex
p.get_module_config_request = msgIndex
self._sendAdmin(p, wantResponse=True, onResponse=onResponse)
if onResponse:
def turnOffEncryptionOnPrimaryChannel(self):
"""Turn off encryption on primary channel."""
self.channels[0].settings.psk = fromPSK("none")
print("Writing modified channels to device")
def waitForConfig(self, attribute="channels"):
"""Block until radio config is received. Returns True if config has been received."""
return self._timeout.waitForSet(self, attrs=("localConfig", attribute))
def writeConfig(self, config_name):
"""Write the current (edited) localConfig to the device"""
if self.localConfig is None:
our_exit("Error: No localConfig has been read")
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
if config_name == "device":
elif config_name == "position":
elif config_name == "power":
elif config_name == "network":
elif config_name == "display":
elif config_name == "lora":
elif config_name == "bluetooth":
elif config_name == "security":
elif config_name == "mqtt":
elif config_name == "serial":
elif config_name == "external_notification":
elif config_name == "store_forward":
elif config_name == "range_test":
elif config_name == "telemetry":
elif config_name == "canned_message":
elif config_name == "audio":
elif config_name == "remote_hardware":
elif config_name == "neighbor_info":
elif config_name == "detection_sensor":
elif config_name == "ambient_lighting":
elif config_name == "paxcounter":
our_exit(f"Error: No valid config with name {config_name}")
logging.debug(f"Wrote: {config_name}")
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def writeChannel(self, channelIndex, adminIndex=0):
"""Write the current (edited) channel to the device"""
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
self._sendAdmin(p, adminIndex=adminIndex)
logging.debug(f"Wrote channel {channelIndex}")
def getChannelByChannelIndex(self, channelIndex):
"""Get channel by channelIndex
channelIndex: number, typically 0-7; based on max number channels
returns: None if there is no channel found
ch = None
if self.channels and 0 <= channelIndex < len(self.channels):
ch = self.channels[channelIndex]
return ch
def deleteChannel(self, channelIndex):
"""Delete the specified channelIndex and shift other channels up"""
ch = self.channels[channelIndex]
if ch.role not in (
our_exit("Warning: Only SECONDARY channels can be deleted")
# we are careful here because if we move the "admin" channel the channelIndex we need to use
# for sending admin channels will also change
adminIndex = self.iface.localNode._getAdminChannelIndex()
self._fixupChannels() # expand back to 8 channels
index = channelIndex
while index < 8:
self.writeChannel(index, adminIndex=adminIndex)
index += 1
# if we are updating the local node, we might end up
# *moving* the admin channel index as we are writing
if (self.iface.localNode == self) and index >= adminIndex:
# We've now passed the old location for admin index
# (and written it), so we can start finding it by name again
adminIndex = 0
def getChannelByName(self, name):
"""Try to find the named channel or return None"""
for c in self.channels or []:
if c.settings and == name:
return c
return None
def getDisabledChannel(self):
"""Return the first channel that is disabled (i.e. available for some new use)"""
for c in self.channels:
if c.role == channel_pb2.Channel.Role.DISABLED:
return c
return None
def _getAdminChannelIndex(self):
"""Return the channel number of the admin channel, or 0 if no reserved channel"""
for c in self.channels or []:
if c.settings and == "admin":
return c.index
return 0
def setOwner(self, long_name: Optional[str]=None, short_name: Optional[str]=None, is_licensed: bool=False):
"""Set device owner name"""
logging.debug(f"in setOwner nodeNum:{self.nodeNum}")
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
nChars = 4
if long_name is not None:
long_name = long_name.strip()
p.set_owner.long_name = long_name
p.set_owner.is_licensed = is_licensed
if short_name is not None:
short_name = short_name.strip()
if len(short_name) > nChars:
short_name = short_name[:nChars]
print(f"Maximum is 4 characters, truncated to {short_name}")
p.set_owner.short_name = short_name
# Note: These debug lines are used in unit tests
# If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def getURL(self, includeAll: bool = True):
"""The sharable URL that describes the current channel"""
# Only keep the primary/secondary channels, assume primary is first
channelSet = apponly_pb2.ChannelSet()
if self.channels:
for c in self.channels:
if c.role == channel_pb2.Channel.Role.PRIMARY or (
includeAll and c.role == channel_pb2.Channel.Role.SECONDARY
if len(self.localConfig.ListFields()) == 0:
some_bytes = channelSet.SerializeToString()
s = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(some_bytes).decode("ascii")
s = s.replace("=", "").replace("+", "-").replace("/", "_")
return f"{s}"
def setURL(self, url: str, addOnly: bool = False):
"""Set mesh network URL"""
if self.localConfig is None or self.channels is None:
our_exit("Warning: config or channels not loaded")
# URLs are of the form{base64_channel_set}
# Split on '/#' to find the base64 encoded channel settings
if addOnly:
splitURL = url.split("/?add=true#")
splitURL = url.split("/#")
if len(splitURL) == 1:
our_exit(f"Warning: Invalid URL '{url}'")
b64 = splitURL[-1]
# We normally strip padding to make for a shorter URL, but the python parser doesn't like
# that. So add back any missing padding
# per
missing_padding = len(b64) % 4
if missing_padding:
b64 += "=" * (4 - missing_padding)
decodedURL = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(b64)
channelSet = apponly_pb2.ChannelSet()
if len(channelSet.settings) == 0:
our_exit("Warning: There were no settings.")
if addOnly:
# Add new channels with names not already present
# Don't change existing channels
for chs in channelSet.settings:
channelExists = self.getChannelByName(
if channelExists or == "":
print(f"Ignoring existing or empty channel \"{}\" from add URL")
ch = self.getDisabledChannel()
if not ch:
our_exit("Warning: No free channels were found")
ch.role = channel_pb2.Channel.Role.SECONDARY
print(f"Adding new channel '{}' to device")
i = 0
for chs in channelSet.settings:
ch = channel_pb2.Channel()
ch.role = (
if i == 0
else channel_pb2.Channel.Role.SECONDARY
ch.index = i
self.channels[ch.index] = ch
logging.debug(f"Channel i:{i} ch:{ch}")
i = i + 1
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
def onResponseRequestRingtone(self, p):
"""Handle the response packet for requesting ringtone part 1"""
logging.debug(f"onResponseRequestRingtone() p:{p}")
errorFound = False
if "routing" in p["decoded"]:
if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE":
errorFound = True
print(f'Error on response: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}')
if errorFound is False:
if "decoded" in p:
if "admin" in p["decoded"]:
if "raw" in p["decoded"]["admin"]:
self.ringtonePart = p["decoded"]["admin"][
self.gotResponse = True
def get_ringtone(self):
"""Get the ringtone. Concatenate all pieces together and return a single string."""
logging.debug(f"in get_ringtone()")
if not self.ringtone:
p1 = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p1.get_ringtone_request = True
self.gotResponse = False
p1, wantResponse=True, onResponse=self.onResponseRequestRingtone
while self.gotResponse is False:
self.ringtone = ""
if self.ringtonePart:
self.ringtone += self.ringtonePart
return self.ringtone
def set_ringtone(self, ringtone):
"""Set the ringtone. The ringtone length must be less than 230 character."""
if len(ringtone) > 230:
our_exit("Warning: The ringtone must be less than 230 characters.")
# split into chunks
chunks = []
chunks_size = 230
for i in range(0, len(ringtone), chunks_size):
chunks.append(ringtone[i : i + chunks_size])
# for each chunk, send a message to set the values
# for i in range(0, len(chunks)):
for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
# TODO: should be a way to improve this
if i == 0:
p.set_ringtone_message = chunk
logging.debug(f"Setting ringtone '{chunk}' part {i+1}")
# If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessageMessages(self, p):
"""Handle the response packet for requesting canned message plugin message part 1"""
logging.debug(f"onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessageMessages() p:{p}")
errorFound = False
if "routing" in p["decoded"]:
if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE":
errorFound = True
print(f'Error on response: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}')
if errorFound is False:
if "decoded" in p:
if "admin" in p["decoded"]:
if "raw" in p["decoded"]["admin"]:
self.cannedPluginMessageMessages = p["decoded"]["admin"][
self.gotResponse = True
def get_canned_message(self):
"""Get the canned message string. Concatenate all pieces together and return a single string."""
logging.debug(f"in get_canned_message()")
if not self.cannedPluginMessage:
p1 = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p1.get_canned_message_module_messages_request = True
self.gotResponse = False
while self.gotResponse is False:
self.cannedPluginMessage = ""
if self.cannedPluginMessageMessages:
self.cannedPluginMessage += self.cannedPluginMessageMessages
return self.cannedPluginMessage
def set_canned_message(self, message):
"""Set the canned message. The canned messages length must be less than 200 character."""
if len(message) > 200:
our_exit("Warning: The canned message must be less than 200 characters.")
# split into chunks
chunks = []
chunks_size = 200
for i in range(0, len(message), chunks_size):
chunks.append(message[i : i + chunks_size])
# for each chunk, send a message to set the values
# for i in range(0, len(chunks)):
for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
# TODO: should be a way to improve this
if i == 0:
p.set_canned_message_module_messages = chunk
logging.debug(f"Setting canned message '{chunk}' part {i+1}")
# If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def exitSimulator(self):
"""Tell a simulator node to exit (this message
is ignored for other nodes)"""
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.exit_simulator = True
logging.debug("in exitSimulator()")
return self._sendAdmin(p)
def reboot(self, secs: int = 10):
"""Tell the node to reboot."""
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.reboot_seconds = secs"Telling node to reboot in {secs} seconds")
# If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def beginSettingsTransaction(self):
"""Tell the node to open a transaction to edit settings."""
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.begin_edit_settings = True"Telling open a transaction to edit settings")
# If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def commitSettingsTransaction(self):
"""Tell the node to commit the open transaction for editing settings."""
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.commit_edit_settings = True"Telling node to commit open transaction for editing settings")
# If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def rebootOTA(self, secs: int = 10):
"""Tell the node to reboot into factory firmware."""
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.reboot_ota_seconds = secs"Telling node to reboot to OTA in {secs} seconds")
# If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def enterDFUMode(self):
"""Tell the node to enter DFU mode (NRF52)."""
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.enter_dfu_mode_request = True"Telling node to enable DFU mode")
# If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def shutdown(self, secs: int = 10):
"""Tell the node to shutdown."""
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.shutdown_seconds = secs"Telling node to shutdown in {secs} seconds")
# If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def getMetadata(self):
"""Get the node's metadata."""
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.get_device_metadata_request = True"Requesting device metadata")
p, wantResponse=True, onResponse=self.onRequestGetMetadata
def factoryReset(self, full: bool = False):
"""Tell the node to factory reset."""
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
if full:
p.factory_reset_device = True"Telling node to factory reset (full device reset)")
p.factory_reset_config = True"Telling node to factory reset (config reset)")
# If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def removeNode(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]):
"""Tell the node to remove a specific node by ID"""
if isinstance(nodeId, str):
if nodeId.startswith("!"):
nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16)
nodeId = int(nodeId)
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.remove_by_nodenum = nodeId
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def setFavorite(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]):
"""Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be favorited on the NodeDB on the device"""
if isinstance(nodeId, str):
if nodeId.startswith("!"):
nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16)
nodeId = int(nodeId)
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.set_favorite_node = nodeId
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def removeFavorite(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]):
"""Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be un-favorited on the NodeDB on the device"""
if isinstance(nodeId, str):
if nodeId.startswith("!"):
nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16)
nodeId = int(nodeId)
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.remove_favorite_node = nodeId
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def setIgnored(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]):
"""Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be ignored on the NodeDB on the device"""
if isinstance(nodeId, str):
if nodeId.startswith("!"):
nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16)
nodeId = int(nodeId)
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.set_ignored_node = nodeId
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def removeIgnored(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]):
"""Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be un-ignored on the NodeDB on the device"""
if isinstance(nodeId, str):
if nodeId.startswith("!"):
nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16)
nodeId = int(nodeId)
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.remove_ignored_node = nodeId
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def resetNodeDb(self):
"""Tell the node to reset its list of nodes."""
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.nodedb_reset = True"Telling node to reset the NodeDB")
# If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def setFixedPosition(self, lat: Union[int, float], lon: Union[int, float], alt: int):
"""Tell the node to set fixed position to the provided value and enable the fixed position setting"""
p = mesh_pb2.Position()
if isinstance(lat, float) and lat != 0.0:
p.latitude_i = int(lat / 1e-7)
elif isinstance(lat, int) and lat != 0:
p.latitude_i = lat
if isinstance(lon, float) and lon != 0.0:
p.longitude_i = int(lon / 1e-7)
elif isinstance(lon, int) and lon != 0:
p.longitude_i = lon
if alt != 0:
p.altitude = alt
a = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(a, onResponse=onResponse)
def removeFixedPosition(self):
"""Tell the node to remove the fixed position and set the fixed position setting to false"""
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.remove_fixed_position = True"Telling node to remove fixed position")
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def setTime(self, timeSec: int = 0):
"""Tell the node to set its time to the provided timestamp, or the system's current time if not provided or 0."""
if timeSec == 0:
timeSec = int(time.time())
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.set_time_only = timeSec"Setting node time to {timeSec}")
if self == self.iface.localNode:
onResponse = None
onResponse = self.onAckNak
return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def _fixupChannels(self):
"""Fixup indexes and add disabled channels as needed"""
# Add extra disabled channels as needed
# This is needed because the protobufs will have index **missing** if the channel number is zero
for index, ch in enumerate(self.channels):
ch.index = index # fixup indexes
def _fillChannels(self):
"""Mark unused channels as disabled"""
# Add extra disabled channels as needed
index = len(self.channels)
while index < 8:
ch = channel_pb2.Channel()
ch.role = channel_pb2.Channel.Role.DISABLED
ch.index = index
index += 1
def onRequestGetMetadata(self, p):
"""Handle the response packet for requesting device metadata getMetadata()"""
logging.debug(f"onRequestGetMetadata() p:{p}")
if "routing" in p["decoded"]:
if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE":
print(f'Error on response: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}')
self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedNak = True
self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedAck = True
if p["decoded"]["portnum"] == portnums_pb2.PortNum.Name(
if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE":
f'Metadata request failed, error reason: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}'
self._timeout.expireTime = time.time() # Do not wait any longer
return # Don't try to parse this routing message
logging.debug(f"Retrying metadata request.")
c = p["decoded"]["admin"]["raw"].get_device_metadata_response
self._timeout.reset() # We made forward progress
logging.debug(f"Received metadata {stripnl(c)}")
print(f"\nfirmware_version: {c.firmware_version}")
print(f"device_state_version: {c.device_state_version}")
def onResponseRequestChannel(self, p):
"""Handle the response packet for requesting a channel _requestChannel()"""
logging.debug(f"onResponseRequestChannel() p:{p}")
if p["decoded"]["portnum"] == portnums_pb2.PortNum.Name(
if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE":
f'Channel request failed, error reason: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}'
self._timeout.expireTime = time.time() # Do not wait any longer
return # Don't try to parse this routing message
lastTried = 0
if len(self.partialChannels) > 0:
lastTried = self.partialChannels[-1].index
logging.debug(f"Retrying previous channel request.")
c = p["decoded"]["admin"]["raw"].get_channel_response
self._timeout.reset() # We made forward progress
logging.debug(f"Received channel {stripnl(c)}")
index = c.index
if index >= 8 - 1:
logging.debug("Finished downloading channels")
self.channels = self.partialChannels
self._requestChannel(index + 1)
def onAckNak(self, p):
"""Informative handler for ACK/NAK responses"""
if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE":
f'Received a NAK, error reason: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}'
self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedNak = True
if int(p["from"]) == self.iface.localNode.nodeNum:
f"Received an implicit ACK. Packet will likely arrive, but cannot be guaranteed."
self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedImplAck = True
print(f"Received an ACK.")
self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedAck = True
def _requestChannel(self, channelNum: int):
"""Done with initial config messages, now send regular
MeshPackets to ask for settings"""
p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage()
p.get_channel_request = channelNum + 1
# Show progress message for super slow operations
if self != self.iface.localNode:
f"Requesting channel {channelNum} info from remote node (this could take a while)"
f"Requesting channel {channelNum} info from remote node (this could take a while)"
logging.debug(f"Requesting channel {channelNum}")
return self._sendAdmin(
p, wantResponse=True, onResponse=self.onResponseRequestChannel
# pylint: disable=R1710
def _sendAdmin(
p: admin_pb2.AdminMessage,
wantResponse: bool=True,
adminIndex: int=0,
"""Send an admin message to the specified node (or the local node if destNodeNum is zero)"""
if self.noProto:
f"Not sending packet because protocol use is disabled by noProto"
if (
adminIndex == 0
): # unless a special channel index was used, we want to use the admin index
adminIndex = self.iface.localNode._getAdminChannelIndex()
if isinstance(self.nodeNum, int):
nodeid = self.nodeNum
else: # assume string starting with !
nodeid = int(self.nodeNum[1:],16)
if "adminSessionPassKey" in self.iface._getOrCreateByNum(nodeid):
p.session_passkey = self.iface._getOrCreateByNum(nodeid).get("adminSessionPassKey")
return self.iface.sendData(
def ensureSessionKey(self):
"""If our entry in iface.nodesByNum doesn't already have an adminSessionPassKey, make a request to get one"""
if self.noProto:
f"Not ensuring session key, because protocol use is disabled by noProto"
if isinstance(self.nodeNum, int):
nodeid = self.nodeNum
else: # assume string starting with !
nodeid = int(self.nodeNum[1:],16)
if self.iface._getOrCreateByNum(nodeid).get("adminSessionPassKey") is None:
class Node (iface, nodeNum, noProto=False, timeout: int = 300)
A model of a (local or remote) node in the mesh
Includes methods for localConfig, moduleConfig and channels
Expand source code
class Node: """A model of a (local or remote) node in the mesh Includes methods for localConfig, moduleConfig and channels """ def __init__(self, iface, nodeNum, noProto=False, timeout: int = 300): """Constructor""" self.iface = iface self.nodeNum = nodeNum self.localConfig = localonly_pb2.LocalConfig() self.moduleConfig = localonly_pb2.LocalModuleConfig() self.channels = None self._timeout = Timeout(maxSecs=timeout) self.partialChannels: Optional[List] = None self.noProto = noProto self.cannedPluginMessage = None self.cannedPluginMessageMessages = None self.ringtone = None self.ringtonePart = None self.gotResponse = None def showChannels(self): """Show human readable description of our channels.""" print("Channels:") if self.channels: logging.debug(f"self.channels:{self.channels}") for c in self.channels: cStr = message_to_json(c.settings) # don't show disabled channels if channel_pb2.Channel.Role.Name(c.role) != "DISABLED": print( f" Index {c.index}: {channel_pb2.Channel.Role.Name(c.role)} psk={pskToString(c.settings.psk)} {cStr}" ) publicURL = self.getURL(includeAll=False) adminURL = self.getURL(includeAll=True) print(f"\nPrimary channel URL: {publicURL}") if adminURL != publicURL: print(f"Complete URL (includes all channels): {adminURL}") def showInfo(self): """Show human readable description of our node""" prefs = "" if self.localConfig: prefs = message_to_json(self.localConfig, multiline=True) print(f"Preferences: {prefs}\n") prefs = "" if self.moduleConfig: prefs = message_to_json(self.moduleConfig, multiline=True) print(f"Module preferences: {prefs}\n") self.showChannels() def setChannels(self, channels): """Set the channels for this node""" self.channels = channels self._fixupChannels() def requestChannels(self, startingIndex: int = 0): """Send regular MeshPackets to ask channels.""" logging.debug(f"requestChannels for nodeNum:{self.nodeNum}") # only initialize if we're starting out fresh if startingIndex == 0: self.channels = None self.partialChannels = [] # We keep our channels in a temp array until finished self._requestChannel(startingIndex) def onResponseRequestSettings(self, p): """Handle the response packets for requesting settings _requestSettings()""" logging.debug(f"onResponseRequestSetting() p:{p}") config_values = None if "routing" in p["decoded"]: if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": print(f'Error on response: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}') self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedNak = True else: self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedAck = True print("") adminMessage = p["decoded"]["admin"] if "getConfigResponse" in adminMessage: oneof = "get_config_response" resp = adminMessage["getConfigResponse"] field = list(resp.keys())[0] config_type = self.localConfig.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name.get( camel_to_snake(field) ) if config_type is not None: config_values = getattr(self.localConfig, elif "getModuleConfigResponse" in adminMessage: oneof = "get_module_config_response" resp = adminMessage["getModuleConfigResponse"] field = list(resp.keys())[0] config_type = self.moduleConfig.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name.get( camel_to_snake(field) ) config_values = getattr(self.moduleConfig, else: print( "Did not receive a valid response. Make sure to have a shared channel named 'admin'." ) return if config_values is not None: raw_config = getattr(getattr(adminMessage['raw'], oneof), camel_to_snake(field)) config_values.CopyFrom(raw_config) print(f"{str(camel_to_snake(field))}:\n{str(config_values)}") def requestConfig(self, configType): """Request the config from the node via admin message""" if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onResponseRequestSettings print("Requesting current config from remote node (this can take a while).") p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() if isinstance(configType, int): p.get_config_request = configType else: msgIndex = configType.index if == "LocalConfig": p.get_config_request = msgIndex else: p.get_module_config_request = msgIndex self._sendAdmin(p, wantResponse=True, onResponse=onResponse) if onResponse: self.iface.waitForAckNak() def turnOffEncryptionOnPrimaryChannel(self): """Turn off encryption on primary channel.""" self.channels[0].settings.psk = fromPSK("none") print("Writing modified channels to device") self.writeChannel(0) def waitForConfig(self, attribute="channels"): """Block until radio config is received. Returns True if config has been received.""" return self._timeout.waitForSet(self, attrs=("localConfig", attribute)) def writeConfig(self, config_name): """Write the current (edited) localConfig to the device""" if self.localConfig is None: our_exit("Error: No localConfig has been read") p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() if config_name == "device": p.set_config.device.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.device) elif config_name == "position": p.set_config.position.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.position) elif config_name == "power": p.set_config.power.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.power) elif config_name == "network": elif config_name == "display": p.set_config.display.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.display) elif config_name == "lora": p.set_config.lora.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.lora) elif config_name == "bluetooth": p.set_config.bluetooth.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.bluetooth) elif config_name == "security": elif config_name == "mqtt": p.set_module_config.mqtt.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.mqtt) elif config_name == "serial": p.set_module_config.serial.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.serial) elif config_name == "external_notification": p.set_module_config.external_notification.CopyFrom( self.moduleConfig.external_notification ) elif config_name == "store_forward": p.set_module_config.store_forward.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.store_forward) elif config_name == "range_test": p.set_module_config.range_test.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.range_test) elif config_name == "telemetry": p.set_module_config.telemetry.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.telemetry) elif config_name == "canned_message": p.set_module_config.canned_message.CopyFrom( self.moduleConfig.canned_message ) elif config_name == "audio": elif config_name == "remote_hardware": p.set_module_config.remote_hardware.CopyFrom( self.moduleConfig.remote_hardware ) elif config_name == "neighbor_info": p.set_module_config.neighbor_info.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.neighbor_info) elif config_name == "detection_sensor": p.set_module_config.detection_sensor.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.detection_sensor) elif config_name == "ambient_lighting": p.set_module_config.ambient_lighting.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.ambient_lighting) elif config_name == "paxcounter": p.set_module_config.paxcounter.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.paxcounter) else: our_exit(f"Error: No valid config with name {config_name}") logging.debug(f"Wrote: {config_name}") if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def writeChannel(self, channelIndex, adminIndex=0): """Write the current (edited) channel to the device""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.set_channel.CopyFrom(self.channels[channelIndex]) self._sendAdmin(p, adminIndex=adminIndex) logging.debug(f"Wrote channel {channelIndex}") def getChannelByChannelIndex(self, channelIndex): """Get channel by channelIndex channelIndex: number, typically 0-7; based on max number channels returns: None if there is no channel found """ ch = None if self.channels and 0 <= channelIndex < len(self.channels): ch = self.channels[channelIndex] return ch def deleteChannel(self, channelIndex): """Delete the specified channelIndex and shift other channels up""" ch = self.channels[channelIndex] if ch.role not in ( channel_pb2.Channel.Role.SECONDARY, channel_pb2.Channel.Role.DISABLED, ): our_exit("Warning: Only SECONDARY channels can be deleted") # we are careful here because if we move the "admin" channel the channelIndex we need to use # for sending admin channels will also change adminIndex = self.iface.localNode._getAdminChannelIndex() self.channels.pop(channelIndex) self._fixupChannels() # expand back to 8 channels index = channelIndex while index < 8: self.writeChannel(index, adminIndex=adminIndex) index += 1 # if we are updating the local node, we might end up # *moving* the admin channel index as we are writing if (self.iface.localNode == self) and index >= adminIndex: # We've now passed the old location for admin index # (and written it), so we can start finding it by name again adminIndex = 0 def getChannelByName(self, name): """Try to find the named channel or return None""" for c in self.channels or []: if c.settings and == name: return c return None def getDisabledChannel(self): """Return the first channel that is disabled (i.e. available for some new use)""" for c in self.channels: if c.role == channel_pb2.Channel.Role.DISABLED: return c return None def _getAdminChannelIndex(self): """Return the channel number of the admin channel, or 0 if no reserved channel""" for c in self.channels or []: if c.settings and == "admin": return c.index return 0 def setOwner(self, long_name: Optional[str]=None, short_name: Optional[str]=None, is_licensed: bool=False): """Set device owner name""" logging.debug(f"in setOwner nodeNum:{self.nodeNum}") self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() nChars = 4 if long_name is not None: long_name = long_name.strip() p.set_owner.long_name = long_name p.set_owner.is_licensed = is_licensed if short_name is not None: short_name = short_name.strip() if len(short_name) > nChars: short_name = short_name[:nChars] print(f"Maximum is 4 characters, truncated to {short_name}") p.set_owner.short_name = short_name # Note: These debug lines are used in unit tests logging.debug(f"p.set_owner.long_name:{p.set_owner.long_name}:") logging.debug(f"p.set_owner.short_name:{p.set_owner.short_name}:") logging.debug(f"p.set_owner.is_licensed:{p.set_owner.is_licensed}") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def getURL(self, includeAll: bool = True): """The sharable URL that describes the current channel""" # Only keep the primary/secondary channels, assume primary is first channelSet = apponly_pb2.ChannelSet() if self.channels: for c in self.channels: if c.role == channel_pb2.Channel.Role.PRIMARY or ( includeAll and c.role == channel_pb2.Channel.Role.SECONDARY ): channelSet.settings.append(c.settings) if len(self.localConfig.ListFields()) == 0: self.requestConfig(self.localConfig.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name.get('lora')) channelSet.lora_config.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.lora) some_bytes = channelSet.SerializeToString() s = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(some_bytes).decode("ascii") s = s.replace("=", "").replace("+", "-").replace("/", "_") return f"{s}" def setURL(self, url: str, addOnly: bool = False): """Set mesh network URL""" if self.localConfig is None or self.channels is None: our_exit("Warning: config or channels not loaded") # URLs are of the form{base64_channel_set} # Split on '/#' to find the base64 encoded channel settings if addOnly: splitURL = url.split("/?add=true#") else: splitURL = url.split("/#") if len(splitURL) == 1: our_exit(f"Warning: Invalid URL '{url}'") b64 = splitURL[-1] # We normally strip padding to make for a shorter URL, but the python parser doesn't like # that. So add back any missing padding # per missing_padding = len(b64) % 4 if missing_padding: b64 += "=" * (4 - missing_padding) decodedURL = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(b64) channelSet = apponly_pb2.ChannelSet() channelSet.ParseFromString(decodedURL) if len(channelSet.settings) == 0: our_exit("Warning: There were no settings.") if addOnly: # Add new channels with names not already present # Don't change existing channels for chs in channelSet.settings: channelExists = self.getChannelByName( if channelExists or == "": print(f"Ignoring existing or empty channel \"{}\" from add URL") continue ch = self.getDisabledChannel() if not ch: our_exit("Warning: No free channels were found") ch.settings.CopyFrom(chs) ch.role = channel_pb2.Channel.Role.SECONDARY print(f"Adding new channel '{}' to device") self.writeChannel(ch.index) else: i = 0 for chs in channelSet.settings: ch = channel_pb2.Channel() ch.role = ( channel_pb2.Channel.Role.PRIMARY if i == 0 else channel_pb2.Channel.Role.SECONDARY ) ch.index = i ch.settings.CopyFrom(chs) self.channels[ch.index] = ch logging.debug(f"Channel i:{i} ch:{ch}") self.writeChannel(ch.index) i = i + 1 p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.set_config.lora.CopyFrom(channelSet.lora_config) self.ensureSessionKey() self._sendAdmin(p) def onResponseRequestRingtone(self, p): """Handle the response packet for requesting ringtone part 1""" logging.debug(f"onResponseRequestRingtone() p:{p}") errorFound = False if "routing" in p["decoded"]: if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": errorFound = True print(f'Error on response: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}') if errorFound is False: if "decoded" in p: if "admin" in p["decoded"]: if "raw" in p["decoded"]["admin"]: self.ringtonePart = p["decoded"]["admin"][ "raw" ].get_ringtone_response logging.debug(f"self.ringtonePart:{self.ringtonePart}") self.gotResponse = True def get_ringtone(self): """Get the ringtone. Concatenate all pieces together and return a single string.""" logging.debug(f"in get_ringtone()") if not self.ringtone: p1 = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p1.get_ringtone_request = True self.gotResponse = False self._sendAdmin( p1, wantResponse=True, onResponse=self.onResponseRequestRingtone ) while self.gotResponse is False: time.sleep(0.1) logging.debug(f"self.ringtone:{self.ringtone}") self.ringtone = "" if self.ringtonePart: self.ringtone += self.ringtonePart print(f"ringtone:{self.ringtone}") logging.debug(f"ringtone:{self.ringtone}") return self.ringtone def set_ringtone(self, ringtone): """Set the ringtone. The ringtone length must be less than 230 character.""" if len(ringtone) > 230: our_exit("Warning: The ringtone must be less than 230 characters.") self.ensureSessionKey() # split into chunks chunks = [] chunks_size = 230 for i in range(0, len(ringtone), chunks_size): chunks.append(ringtone[i : i + chunks_size]) # for each chunk, send a message to set the values # for i in range(0, len(chunks)): for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() # TODO: should be a way to improve this if i == 0: p.set_ringtone_message = chunk logging.debug(f"Setting ringtone '{chunk}' part {i+1}") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessageMessages(self, p): """Handle the response packet for requesting canned message plugin message part 1""" logging.debug(f"onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessageMessages() p:{p}") errorFound = False if "routing" in p["decoded"]: if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": errorFound = True print(f'Error on response: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}') if errorFound is False: if "decoded" in p: if "admin" in p["decoded"]: if "raw" in p["decoded"]["admin"]: self.cannedPluginMessageMessages = p["decoded"]["admin"][ "raw" ].get_canned_message_module_messages_response logging.debug( f"self.cannedPluginMessageMessages:{self.cannedPluginMessageMessages}" ) self.gotResponse = True def get_canned_message(self): """Get the canned message string. Concatenate all pieces together and return a single string.""" logging.debug(f"in get_canned_message()") if not self.cannedPluginMessage: p1 = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p1.get_canned_message_module_messages_request = True self.gotResponse = False self._sendAdmin( p1, wantResponse=True, onResponse=self.onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessageMessages, ) while self.gotResponse is False: time.sleep(0.1) logging.debug( f"self.cannedPluginMessageMessages:{self.cannedPluginMessageMessages}" ) self.cannedPluginMessage = "" if self.cannedPluginMessageMessages: self.cannedPluginMessage += self.cannedPluginMessageMessages print(f"canned_plugin_message:{self.cannedPluginMessage}") logging.debug(f"canned_plugin_message:{self.cannedPluginMessage}") return self.cannedPluginMessage def set_canned_message(self, message): """Set the canned message. The canned messages length must be less than 200 character.""" if len(message) > 200: our_exit("Warning: The canned message must be less than 200 characters.") self.ensureSessionKey() # split into chunks chunks = [] chunks_size = 200 for i in range(0, len(message), chunks_size): chunks.append(message[i : i + chunks_size]) # for each chunk, send a message to set the values # for i in range(0, len(chunks)): for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() # TODO: should be a way to improve this if i == 0: p.set_canned_message_module_messages = chunk logging.debug(f"Setting canned message '{chunk}' part {i+1}") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def exitSimulator(self): """Tell a simulator node to exit (this message is ignored for other nodes)""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.exit_simulator = True logging.debug("in exitSimulator()") return self._sendAdmin(p) def reboot(self, secs: int = 10): """Tell the node to reboot.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.reboot_seconds = secs"Telling node to reboot in {secs} seconds") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def beginSettingsTransaction(self): """Tell the node to open a transaction to edit settings.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.begin_edit_settings = True"Telling open a transaction to edit settings") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def commitSettingsTransaction(self): """Tell the node to commit the open transaction for editing settings.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.commit_edit_settings = True"Telling node to commit open transaction for editing settings") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def rebootOTA(self, secs: int = 10): """Tell the node to reboot into factory firmware.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.reboot_ota_seconds = secs"Telling node to reboot to OTA in {secs} seconds") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def enterDFUMode(self): """Tell the node to enter DFU mode (NRF52).""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.enter_dfu_mode_request = True"Telling node to enable DFU mode") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def shutdown(self, secs: int = 10): """Tell the node to shutdown.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.shutdown_seconds = secs"Telling node to shutdown in {secs} seconds") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def getMetadata(self): """Get the node's metadata.""" p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.get_device_metadata_request = True"Requesting device metadata") self._sendAdmin( p, wantResponse=True, onResponse=self.onRequestGetMetadata ) self.iface.waitForAckNak() def factoryReset(self, full: bool = False): """Tell the node to factory reset.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() if full: p.factory_reset_device = True"Telling node to factory reset (full device reset)") else: p.factory_reset_config = True"Telling node to factory reset (config reset)") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def removeNode(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]): """Tell the node to remove a specific node by ID""" self.ensureSessionKey() if isinstance(nodeId, str): if nodeId.startswith("!"): nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16) else: nodeId = int(nodeId) p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.remove_by_nodenum = nodeId if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def setFavorite(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]): """Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be favorited on the NodeDB on the device""" self.ensureSessionKey() if isinstance(nodeId, str): if nodeId.startswith("!"): nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16) else: nodeId = int(nodeId) p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.set_favorite_node = nodeId if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def removeFavorite(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]): """Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be un-favorited on the NodeDB on the device""" self.ensureSessionKey() if isinstance(nodeId, str): if nodeId.startswith("!"): nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16) else: nodeId = int(nodeId) p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.remove_favorite_node = nodeId if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def setIgnored(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]): """Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be ignored on the NodeDB on the device""" self.ensureSessionKey() if isinstance(nodeId, str): if nodeId.startswith("!"): nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16) else: nodeId = int(nodeId) p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.set_ignored_node = nodeId if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def removeIgnored(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]): """Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be un-ignored on the NodeDB on the device""" self.ensureSessionKey() if isinstance(nodeId, str): if nodeId.startswith("!"): nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16) else: nodeId = int(nodeId) p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.remove_ignored_node = nodeId if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def resetNodeDb(self): """Tell the node to reset its list of nodes.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.nodedb_reset = True"Telling node to reset the NodeDB") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def setFixedPosition(self, lat: Union[int, float], lon: Union[int, float], alt: int): """Tell the node to set fixed position to the provided value and enable the fixed position setting""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = mesh_pb2.Position() if isinstance(lat, float) and lat != 0.0: p.latitude_i = int(lat / 1e-7) elif isinstance(lat, int) and lat != 0: p.latitude_i = lat if isinstance(lon, float) and lon != 0.0: p.longitude_i = int(lon / 1e-7) elif isinstance(lon, int) and lon != 0: p.longitude_i = lon if alt != 0: p.altitude = alt a = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() a.set_fixed_position.CopyFrom(p) if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(a, onResponse=onResponse) def removeFixedPosition(self): """Tell the node to remove the fixed position and set the fixed position setting to false""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.remove_fixed_position = True"Telling node to remove fixed position") if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def setTime(self, timeSec: int = 0): """Tell the node to set its time to the provided timestamp, or the system's current time if not provided or 0.""" self.ensureSessionKey() if timeSec == 0: timeSec = int(time.time()) p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.set_time_only = timeSec"Setting node time to {timeSec}") if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse) def _fixupChannels(self): """Fixup indexes and add disabled channels as needed""" # Add extra disabled channels as needed # This is needed because the protobufs will have index **missing** if the channel number is zero for index, ch in enumerate(self.channels): ch.index = index # fixup indexes self._fillChannels() def _fillChannels(self): """Mark unused channels as disabled""" # Add extra disabled channels as needed index = len(self.channels) while index < 8: ch = channel_pb2.Channel() ch.role = channel_pb2.Channel.Role.DISABLED ch.index = index self.channels.append(ch) index += 1 def onRequestGetMetadata(self, p): """Handle the response packet for requesting device metadata getMetadata()""" logging.debug(f"onRequestGetMetadata() p:{p}") if "routing" in p["decoded"]: if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": print(f'Error on response: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}') self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedNak = True else: self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedAck = True if p["decoded"]["portnum"] == portnums_pb2.PortNum.Name( portnums_pb2.PortNum.ROUTING_APP ): if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": logging.warning( f'Metadata request failed, error reason: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}' ) self._timeout.expireTime = time.time() # Do not wait any longer return # Don't try to parse this routing message logging.debug(f"Retrying metadata request.") self.getMetadata() return c = p["decoded"]["admin"]["raw"].get_device_metadata_response self._timeout.reset() # We made forward progress logging.debug(f"Received metadata {stripnl(c)}") print(f"\nfirmware_version: {c.firmware_version}") print(f"device_state_version: {c.device_state_version}") def onResponseRequestChannel(self, p): """Handle the response packet for requesting a channel _requestChannel()""" logging.debug(f"onResponseRequestChannel() p:{p}") if p["decoded"]["portnum"] == portnums_pb2.PortNum.Name( portnums_pb2.PortNum.ROUTING_APP ): if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": logging.warning( f'Channel request failed, error reason: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}' ) self._timeout.expireTime = time.time() # Do not wait any longer return # Don't try to parse this routing message lastTried = 0 if len(self.partialChannels) > 0: lastTried = self.partialChannels[-1].index logging.debug(f"Retrying previous channel request.") self._requestChannel(lastTried) return c = p["decoded"]["admin"]["raw"].get_channel_response self.partialChannels.append(c) self._timeout.reset() # We made forward progress logging.debug(f"Received channel {stripnl(c)}") index = c.index if index >= 8 - 1: logging.debug("Finished downloading channels") self.channels = self.partialChannels self._fixupChannels() else: self._requestChannel(index + 1) def onAckNak(self, p): """Informative handler for ACK/NAK responses""" if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": print( f'Received a NAK, error reason: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}' ) self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedNak = True else: if int(p["from"]) == self.iface.localNode.nodeNum: print( f"Received an implicit ACK. Packet will likely arrive, but cannot be guaranteed." ) self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedImplAck = True else: print(f"Received an ACK.") self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedAck = True def _requestChannel(self, channelNum: int): """Done with initial config messages, now send regular MeshPackets to ask for settings""" p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.get_channel_request = channelNum + 1 # Show progress message for super slow operations if self != self.iface.localNode: print( f"Requesting channel {channelNum} info from remote node (this could take a while)" ) logging.debug( f"Requesting channel {channelNum} info from remote node (this could take a while)" ) else: logging.debug(f"Requesting channel {channelNum}") return self._sendAdmin( p, wantResponse=True, onResponse=self.onResponseRequestChannel ) # pylint: disable=R1710 def _sendAdmin( self, p: admin_pb2.AdminMessage, wantResponse: bool=True, onResponse=None, adminIndex: int=0, ): """Send an admin message to the specified node (or the local node if destNodeNum is zero)""" if self.noProto: logging.warning( f"Not sending packet because protocol use is disabled by noProto" ) else: if ( adminIndex == 0 ): # unless a special channel index was used, we want to use the admin index adminIndex = self.iface.localNode._getAdminChannelIndex() logging.debug(f"adminIndex:{adminIndex}") if isinstance(self.nodeNum, int): nodeid = self.nodeNum else: # assume string starting with ! nodeid = int(self.nodeNum[1:],16) if "adminSessionPassKey" in self.iface._getOrCreateByNum(nodeid): p.session_passkey = self.iface._getOrCreateByNum(nodeid).get("adminSessionPassKey") return self.iface.sendData( p, self.nodeNum, portNum=portnums_pb2.PortNum.ADMIN_APP, wantAck=False, wantResponse=wantResponse, onResponse=onResponse, channelIndex=adminIndex, pkiEncrypted=True, ) def ensureSessionKey(self): """If our entry in iface.nodesByNum doesn't already have an adminSessionPassKey, make a request to get one""" if self.noProto: logging.warning( f"Not ensuring session key, because protocol use is disabled by noProto" ) else: if isinstance(self.nodeNum, int): nodeid = self.nodeNum else: # assume string starting with ! nodeid = int(self.nodeNum[1:],16) if self.iface._getOrCreateByNum(nodeid).get("adminSessionPassKey") is None: self.requestConfig(admin_pb2.AdminMessage.SESSIONKEY_CONFIG)
def beginSettingsTransaction(self)
Tell the node to open a transaction to edit settings.
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def beginSettingsTransaction(self): """Tell the node to open a transaction to edit settings.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.begin_edit_settings = True"Telling open a transaction to edit settings") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def commitSettingsTransaction(self)
Tell the node to commit the open transaction for editing settings.
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def commitSettingsTransaction(self): """Tell the node to commit the open transaction for editing settings.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.commit_edit_settings = True"Telling node to commit open transaction for editing settings") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def deleteChannel(self, channelIndex)
Delete the specified channelIndex and shift other channels up
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def deleteChannel(self, channelIndex): """Delete the specified channelIndex and shift other channels up""" ch = self.channels[channelIndex] if ch.role not in ( channel_pb2.Channel.Role.SECONDARY, channel_pb2.Channel.Role.DISABLED, ): our_exit("Warning: Only SECONDARY channels can be deleted") # we are careful here because if we move the "admin" channel the channelIndex we need to use # for sending admin channels will also change adminIndex = self.iface.localNode._getAdminChannelIndex() self.channels.pop(channelIndex) self._fixupChannels() # expand back to 8 channels index = channelIndex while index < 8: self.writeChannel(index, adminIndex=adminIndex) index += 1 # if we are updating the local node, we might end up # *moving* the admin channel index as we are writing if (self.iface.localNode == self) and index >= adminIndex: # We've now passed the old location for admin index # (and written it), so we can start finding it by name again adminIndex = 0
def ensureSessionKey(self)
If our entry in iface.nodesByNum doesn't already have an adminSessionPassKey, make a request to get one
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def ensureSessionKey(self): """If our entry in iface.nodesByNum doesn't already have an adminSessionPassKey, make a request to get one""" if self.noProto: logging.warning( f"Not ensuring session key, because protocol use is disabled by noProto" ) else: if isinstance(self.nodeNum, int): nodeid = self.nodeNum else: # assume string starting with ! nodeid = int(self.nodeNum[1:],16) if self.iface._getOrCreateByNum(nodeid).get("adminSessionPassKey") is None: self.requestConfig(admin_pb2.AdminMessage.SESSIONKEY_CONFIG)
def enterDFUMode(self)
Tell the node to enter DFU mode (NRF52).
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def enterDFUMode(self): """Tell the node to enter DFU mode (NRF52).""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.enter_dfu_mode_request = True"Telling node to enable DFU mode") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def exitSimulator(self)
Tell a simulator node to exit (this message is ignored for other nodes)
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def exitSimulator(self): """Tell a simulator node to exit (this message is ignored for other nodes)""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.exit_simulator = True logging.debug("in exitSimulator()") return self._sendAdmin(p)
def factoryReset(self, full: bool = False)
Tell the node to factory reset.
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def factoryReset(self, full: bool = False): """Tell the node to factory reset.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() if full: p.factory_reset_device = True"Telling node to factory reset (full device reset)") else: p.factory_reset_config = True"Telling node to factory reset (config reset)") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def getChannelByChannelIndex(self, channelIndex)
Get channel by channelIndex channelIndex: number, typically 0-7; based on max number channels returns: None if there is no channel found
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def getChannelByChannelIndex(self, channelIndex): """Get channel by channelIndex channelIndex: number, typically 0-7; based on max number channels returns: None if there is no channel found """ ch = None if self.channels and 0 <= channelIndex < len(self.channels): ch = self.channels[channelIndex] return ch
def getChannelByName(self, name)
Try to find the named channel or return None
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def getChannelByName(self, name): """Try to find the named channel or return None""" for c in self.channels or []: if c.settings and == name: return c return None
def getDisabledChannel(self)
Return the first channel that is disabled (i.e. available for some new use)
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def getDisabledChannel(self): """Return the first channel that is disabled (i.e. available for some new use)""" for c in self.channels: if c.role == channel_pb2.Channel.Role.DISABLED: return c return None
def getMetadata(self)
Get the node's metadata.
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def getMetadata(self): """Get the node's metadata.""" p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.get_device_metadata_request = True"Requesting device metadata") self._sendAdmin( p, wantResponse=True, onResponse=self.onRequestGetMetadata ) self.iface.waitForAckNak()
def getURL(self, includeAll: bool = True)
The sharable URL that describes the current channel
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def getURL(self, includeAll: bool = True): """The sharable URL that describes the current channel""" # Only keep the primary/secondary channels, assume primary is first channelSet = apponly_pb2.ChannelSet() if self.channels: for c in self.channels: if c.role == channel_pb2.Channel.Role.PRIMARY or ( includeAll and c.role == channel_pb2.Channel.Role.SECONDARY ): channelSet.settings.append(c.settings) if len(self.localConfig.ListFields()) == 0: self.requestConfig(self.localConfig.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name.get('lora')) channelSet.lora_config.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.lora) some_bytes = channelSet.SerializeToString() s = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(some_bytes).decode("ascii") s = s.replace("=", "").replace("+", "-").replace("/", "_") return f"{s}"
def get_canned_message(self)
Get the canned message string. Concatenate all pieces together and return a single string.
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def get_canned_message(self): """Get the canned message string. Concatenate all pieces together and return a single string.""" logging.debug(f"in get_canned_message()") if not self.cannedPluginMessage: p1 = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p1.get_canned_message_module_messages_request = True self.gotResponse = False self._sendAdmin( p1, wantResponse=True, onResponse=self.onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessageMessages, ) while self.gotResponse is False: time.sleep(0.1) logging.debug( f"self.cannedPluginMessageMessages:{self.cannedPluginMessageMessages}" ) self.cannedPluginMessage = "" if self.cannedPluginMessageMessages: self.cannedPluginMessage += self.cannedPluginMessageMessages print(f"canned_plugin_message:{self.cannedPluginMessage}") logging.debug(f"canned_plugin_message:{self.cannedPluginMessage}") return self.cannedPluginMessage
def get_ringtone(self)
Get the ringtone. Concatenate all pieces together and return a single string.
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def get_ringtone(self): """Get the ringtone. Concatenate all pieces together and return a single string.""" logging.debug(f"in get_ringtone()") if not self.ringtone: p1 = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p1.get_ringtone_request = True self.gotResponse = False self._sendAdmin( p1, wantResponse=True, onResponse=self.onResponseRequestRingtone ) while self.gotResponse is False: time.sleep(0.1) logging.debug(f"self.ringtone:{self.ringtone}") self.ringtone = "" if self.ringtonePart: self.ringtone += self.ringtonePart print(f"ringtone:{self.ringtone}") logging.debug(f"ringtone:{self.ringtone}") return self.ringtone
def onAckNak(self, p)
Informative handler for ACK/NAK responses
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def onAckNak(self, p): """Informative handler for ACK/NAK responses""" if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": print( f'Received a NAK, error reason: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}' ) self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedNak = True else: if int(p["from"]) == self.iface.localNode.nodeNum: print( f"Received an implicit ACK. Packet will likely arrive, but cannot be guaranteed." ) self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedImplAck = True else: print(f"Received an ACK.") self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedAck = True
def onRequestGetMetadata(self, p)
Handle the response packet for requesting device metadata getMetadata()
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def onRequestGetMetadata(self, p): """Handle the response packet for requesting device metadata getMetadata()""" logging.debug(f"onRequestGetMetadata() p:{p}") if "routing" in p["decoded"]: if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": print(f'Error on response: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}') self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedNak = True else: self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedAck = True if p["decoded"]["portnum"] == portnums_pb2.PortNum.Name( portnums_pb2.PortNum.ROUTING_APP ): if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": logging.warning( f'Metadata request failed, error reason: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}' ) self._timeout.expireTime = time.time() # Do not wait any longer return # Don't try to parse this routing message logging.debug(f"Retrying metadata request.") self.getMetadata() return c = p["decoded"]["admin"]["raw"].get_device_metadata_response self._timeout.reset() # We made forward progress logging.debug(f"Received metadata {stripnl(c)}") print(f"\nfirmware_version: {c.firmware_version}") print(f"device_state_version: {c.device_state_version}")
def onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessageMessages(self, p)
Handle the response packet for requesting canned message plugin message part 1
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def onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessageMessages(self, p): """Handle the response packet for requesting canned message plugin message part 1""" logging.debug(f"onResponseRequestCannedMessagePluginMessageMessages() p:{p}") errorFound = False if "routing" in p["decoded"]: if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": errorFound = True print(f'Error on response: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}') if errorFound is False: if "decoded" in p: if "admin" in p["decoded"]: if "raw" in p["decoded"]["admin"]: self.cannedPluginMessageMessages = p["decoded"]["admin"][ "raw" ].get_canned_message_module_messages_response logging.debug( f"self.cannedPluginMessageMessages:{self.cannedPluginMessageMessages}" ) self.gotResponse = True
def onResponseRequestChannel(self, p)
Handle the response packet for requesting a channel _requestChannel()
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def onResponseRequestChannel(self, p): """Handle the response packet for requesting a channel _requestChannel()""" logging.debug(f"onResponseRequestChannel() p:{p}") if p["decoded"]["portnum"] == portnums_pb2.PortNum.Name( portnums_pb2.PortNum.ROUTING_APP ): if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": logging.warning( f'Channel request failed, error reason: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}' ) self._timeout.expireTime = time.time() # Do not wait any longer return # Don't try to parse this routing message lastTried = 0 if len(self.partialChannels) > 0: lastTried = self.partialChannels[-1].index logging.debug(f"Retrying previous channel request.") self._requestChannel(lastTried) return c = p["decoded"]["admin"]["raw"].get_channel_response self.partialChannels.append(c) self._timeout.reset() # We made forward progress logging.debug(f"Received channel {stripnl(c)}") index = c.index if index >= 8 - 1: logging.debug("Finished downloading channels") self.channels = self.partialChannels self._fixupChannels() else: self._requestChannel(index + 1)
def onResponseRequestRingtone(self, p)
Handle the response packet for requesting ringtone part 1
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def onResponseRequestRingtone(self, p): """Handle the response packet for requesting ringtone part 1""" logging.debug(f"onResponseRequestRingtone() p:{p}") errorFound = False if "routing" in p["decoded"]: if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": errorFound = True print(f'Error on response: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}') if errorFound is False: if "decoded" in p: if "admin" in p["decoded"]: if "raw" in p["decoded"]["admin"]: self.ringtonePart = p["decoded"]["admin"][ "raw" ].get_ringtone_response logging.debug(f"self.ringtonePart:{self.ringtonePart}") self.gotResponse = True
def onResponseRequestSettings(self, p)
Handle the response packets for requesting settings _requestSettings()
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def onResponseRequestSettings(self, p): """Handle the response packets for requesting settings _requestSettings()""" logging.debug(f"onResponseRequestSetting() p:{p}") config_values = None if "routing" in p["decoded"]: if p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"] != "NONE": print(f'Error on response: {p["decoded"]["routing"]["errorReason"]}') self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedNak = True else: self.iface._acknowledgment.receivedAck = True print("") adminMessage = p["decoded"]["admin"] if "getConfigResponse" in adminMessage: oneof = "get_config_response" resp = adminMessage["getConfigResponse"] field = list(resp.keys())[0] config_type = self.localConfig.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name.get( camel_to_snake(field) ) if config_type is not None: config_values = getattr(self.localConfig, elif "getModuleConfigResponse" in adminMessage: oneof = "get_module_config_response" resp = adminMessage["getModuleConfigResponse"] field = list(resp.keys())[0] config_type = self.moduleConfig.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name.get( camel_to_snake(field) ) config_values = getattr(self.moduleConfig, else: print( "Did not receive a valid response. Make sure to have a shared channel named 'admin'." ) return if config_values is not None: raw_config = getattr(getattr(adminMessage['raw'], oneof), camel_to_snake(field)) config_values.CopyFrom(raw_config) print(f"{str(camel_to_snake(field))}:\n{str(config_values)}")
def reboot(self, secs: int = 10)
Tell the node to reboot.
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def reboot(self, secs: int = 10): """Tell the node to reboot.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.reboot_seconds = secs"Telling node to reboot in {secs} seconds") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def rebootOTA(self, secs: int = 10)
Tell the node to reboot into factory firmware.
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def rebootOTA(self, secs: int = 10): """Tell the node to reboot into factory firmware.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.reboot_ota_seconds = secs"Telling node to reboot to OTA in {secs} seconds") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def removeFavorite(self, nodeId: Union[int, str])
Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be un-favorited on the NodeDB on the device
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def removeFavorite(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]): """Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be un-favorited on the NodeDB on the device""" self.ensureSessionKey() if isinstance(nodeId, str): if nodeId.startswith("!"): nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16) else: nodeId = int(nodeId) p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.remove_favorite_node = nodeId if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def removeFixedPosition(self)
Tell the node to remove the fixed position and set the fixed position setting to false
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def removeFixedPosition(self): """Tell the node to remove the fixed position and set the fixed position setting to false""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.remove_fixed_position = True"Telling node to remove fixed position") if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def removeIgnored(self, nodeId: Union[int, str])
Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be un-ignored on the NodeDB on the device
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def removeIgnored(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]): """Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be un-ignored on the NodeDB on the device""" self.ensureSessionKey() if isinstance(nodeId, str): if nodeId.startswith("!"): nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16) else: nodeId = int(nodeId) p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.remove_ignored_node = nodeId if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def removeNode(self, nodeId: Union[int, str])
Tell the node to remove a specific node by ID
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def removeNode(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]): """Tell the node to remove a specific node by ID""" self.ensureSessionKey() if isinstance(nodeId, str): if nodeId.startswith("!"): nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16) else: nodeId = int(nodeId) p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.remove_by_nodenum = nodeId if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def requestChannels(self, startingIndex: int = 0)
Send regular MeshPackets to ask channels.
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def requestChannels(self, startingIndex: int = 0): """Send regular MeshPackets to ask channels.""" logging.debug(f"requestChannels for nodeNum:{self.nodeNum}") # only initialize if we're starting out fresh if startingIndex == 0: self.channels = None self.partialChannels = [] # We keep our channels in a temp array until finished self._requestChannel(startingIndex)
def requestConfig(self, configType)
Request the config from the node via admin message
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def requestConfig(self, configType): """Request the config from the node via admin message""" if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onResponseRequestSettings print("Requesting current config from remote node (this can take a while).") p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() if isinstance(configType, int): p.get_config_request = configType else: msgIndex = configType.index if == "LocalConfig": p.get_config_request = msgIndex else: p.get_module_config_request = msgIndex self._sendAdmin(p, wantResponse=True, onResponse=onResponse) if onResponse: self.iface.waitForAckNak()
def resetNodeDb(self)
Tell the node to reset its list of nodes.
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def resetNodeDb(self): """Tell the node to reset its list of nodes.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.nodedb_reset = True"Telling node to reset the NodeDB") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def setChannels(self, channels)
Set the channels for this node
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def setChannels(self, channels): """Set the channels for this node""" self.channels = channels self._fixupChannels()
def setFavorite(self, nodeId: Union[int, str])
Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be favorited on the NodeDB on the device
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def setFavorite(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]): """Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be favorited on the NodeDB on the device""" self.ensureSessionKey() if isinstance(nodeId, str): if nodeId.startswith("!"): nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16) else: nodeId = int(nodeId) p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.set_favorite_node = nodeId if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def setFixedPosition(self, lat: Union[int, float], lon: Union[int, float], alt: int)
Tell the node to set fixed position to the provided value and enable the fixed position setting
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def setFixedPosition(self, lat: Union[int, float], lon: Union[int, float], alt: int): """Tell the node to set fixed position to the provided value and enable the fixed position setting""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = mesh_pb2.Position() if isinstance(lat, float) and lat != 0.0: p.latitude_i = int(lat / 1e-7) elif isinstance(lat, int) and lat != 0: p.latitude_i = lat if isinstance(lon, float) and lon != 0.0: p.longitude_i = int(lon / 1e-7) elif isinstance(lon, int) and lon != 0: p.longitude_i = lon if alt != 0: p.altitude = alt a = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() a.set_fixed_position.CopyFrom(p) if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(a, onResponse=onResponse)
def setIgnored(self, nodeId: Union[int, str])
Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be ignored on the NodeDB on the device
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def setIgnored(self, nodeId: Union[int, str]): """Tell the node to set the specified node ID to be ignored on the NodeDB on the device""" self.ensureSessionKey() if isinstance(nodeId, str): if nodeId.startswith("!"): nodeId = int(nodeId[1:], 16) else: nodeId = int(nodeId) p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.set_ignored_node = nodeId if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def setOwner(self, long_name: Optional[str] = None, short_name: Optional[str] = None, is_licensed: bool = False)
Set device owner name
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def setOwner(self, long_name: Optional[str]=None, short_name: Optional[str]=None, is_licensed: bool=False): """Set device owner name""" logging.debug(f"in setOwner nodeNum:{self.nodeNum}") self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() nChars = 4 if long_name is not None: long_name = long_name.strip() p.set_owner.long_name = long_name p.set_owner.is_licensed = is_licensed if short_name is not None: short_name = short_name.strip() if len(short_name) > nChars: short_name = short_name[:nChars] print(f"Maximum is 4 characters, truncated to {short_name}") p.set_owner.short_name = short_name # Note: These debug lines are used in unit tests logging.debug(f"p.set_owner.long_name:{p.set_owner.long_name}:") logging.debug(f"p.set_owner.short_name:{p.set_owner.short_name}:") logging.debug(f"p.set_owner.is_licensed:{p.set_owner.is_licensed}") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def setTime(self, timeSec: int = 0)
Tell the node to set its time to the provided timestamp, or the system's current time if not provided or 0.
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def setTime(self, timeSec: int = 0): """Tell the node to set its time to the provided timestamp, or the system's current time if not provided or 0.""" self.ensureSessionKey() if timeSec == 0: timeSec = int(time.time()) p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.set_time_only = timeSec"Setting node time to {timeSec}") if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def setURL(self, url: str, addOnly: bool = False)
Set mesh network URL
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def setURL(self, url: str, addOnly: bool = False): """Set mesh network URL""" if self.localConfig is None or self.channels is None: our_exit("Warning: config or channels not loaded") # URLs are of the form{base64_channel_set} # Split on '/#' to find the base64 encoded channel settings if addOnly: splitURL = url.split("/?add=true#") else: splitURL = url.split("/#") if len(splitURL) == 1: our_exit(f"Warning: Invalid URL '{url}'") b64 = splitURL[-1] # We normally strip padding to make for a shorter URL, but the python parser doesn't like # that. So add back any missing padding # per missing_padding = len(b64) % 4 if missing_padding: b64 += "=" * (4 - missing_padding) decodedURL = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(b64) channelSet = apponly_pb2.ChannelSet() channelSet.ParseFromString(decodedURL) if len(channelSet.settings) == 0: our_exit("Warning: There were no settings.") if addOnly: # Add new channels with names not already present # Don't change existing channels for chs in channelSet.settings: channelExists = self.getChannelByName( if channelExists or == "": print(f"Ignoring existing or empty channel \"{}\" from add URL") continue ch = self.getDisabledChannel() if not ch: our_exit("Warning: No free channels were found") ch.settings.CopyFrom(chs) ch.role = channel_pb2.Channel.Role.SECONDARY print(f"Adding new channel '{}' to device") self.writeChannel(ch.index) else: i = 0 for chs in channelSet.settings: ch = channel_pb2.Channel() ch.role = ( channel_pb2.Channel.Role.PRIMARY if i == 0 else channel_pb2.Channel.Role.SECONDARY ) ch.index = i ch.settings.CopyFrom(chs) self.channels[ch.index] = ch logging.debug(f"Channel i:{i} ch:{ch}") self.writeChannel(ch.index) i = i + 1 p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.set_config.lora.CopyFrom(channelSet.lora_config) self.ensureSessionKey() self._sendAdmin(p)
def set_canned_message(self, message)
Set the canned message. The canned messages length must be less than 200 character.
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def set_canned_message(self, message): """Set the canned message. The canned messages length must be less than 200 character.""" if len(message) > 200: our_exit("Warning: The canned message must be less than 200 characters.") self.ensureSessionKey() # split into chunks chunks = [] chunks_size = 200 for i in range(0, len(message), chunks_size): chunks.append(message[i : i + chunks_size]) # for each chunk, send a message to set the values # for i in range(0, len(chunks)): for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() # TODO: should be a way to improve this if i == 0: p.set_canned_message_module_messages = chunk logging.debug(f"Setting canned message '{chunk}' part {i+1}") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def set_ringtone(self, ringtone)
Set the ringtone. The ringtone length must be less than 230 character.
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def set_ringtone(self, ringtone): """Set the ringtone. The ringtone length must be less than 230 character.""" if len(ringtone) > 230: our_exit("Warning: The ringtone must be less than 230 characters.") self.ensureSessionKey() # split into chunks chunks = [] chunks_size = 230 for i in range(0, len(ringtone), chunks_size): chunks.append(ringtone[i : i + chunks_size]) # for each chunk, send a message to set the values # for i in range(0, len(chunks)): for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks): p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() # TODO: should be a way to improve this if i == 0: p.set_ringtone_message = chunk logging.debug(f"Setting ringtone '{chunk}' part {i+1}") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def showChannels(self)
Show human readable description of our channels.
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def showChannels(self): """Show human readable description of our channels.""" print("Channels:") if self.channels: logging.debug(f"self.channels:{self.channels}") for c in self.channels: cStr = message_to_json(c.settings) # don't show disabled channels if channel_pb2.Channel.Role.Name(c.role) != "DISABLED": print( f" Index {c.index}: {channel_pb2.Channel.Role.Name(c.role)} psk={pskToString(c.settings.psk)} {cStr}" ) publicURL = self.getURL(includeAll=False) adminURL = self.getURL(includeAll=True) print(f"\nPrimary channel URL: {publicURL}") if adminURL != publicURL: print(f"Complete URL (includes all channels): {adminURL}")
def showInfo(self)
Show human readable description of our node
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def showInfo(self): """Show human readable description of our node""" prefs = "" if self.localConfig: prefs = message_to_json(self.localConfig, multiline=True) print(f"Preferences: {prefs}\n") prefs = "" if self.moduleConfig: prefs = message_to_json(self.moduleConfig, multiline=True) print(f"Module preferences: {prefs}\n") self.showChannels()
def shutdown(self, secs: int = 10)
Tell the node to shutdown.
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def shutdown(self, secs: int = 10): """Tell the node to shutdown.""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.shutdown_seconds = secs"Telling node to shutdown in {secs} seconds") # If sending to a remote node, wait for ACK/NAK if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak return self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)
def turnOffEncryptionOnPrimaryChannel(self)
Turn off encryption on primary channel.
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def turnOffEncryptionOnPrimaryChannel(self): """Turn off encryption on primary channel.""" self.channels[0].settings.psk = fromPSK("none") print("Writing modified channels to device") self.writeChannel(0)
def waitForConfig(self, attribute='channels')
Block until radio config is received. Returns True if config has been received.
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def waitForConfig(self, attribute="channels"): """Block until radio config is received. Returns True if config has been received.""" return self._timeout.waitForSet(self, attrs=("localConfig", attribute))
def writeChannel(self, channelIndex, adminIndex=0)
Write the current (edited) channel to the device
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def writeChannel(self, channelIndex, adminIndex=0): """Write the current (edited) channel to the device""" self.ensureSessionKey() p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() p.set_channel.CopyFrom(self.channels[channelIndex]) self._sendAdmin(p, adminIndex=adminIndex) logging.debug(f"Wrote channel {channelIndex}")
def writeConfig(self, config_name)
Write the current (edited) localConfig to the device
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def writeConfig(self, config_name): """Write the current (edited) localConfig to the device""" if self.localConfig is None: our_exit("Error: No localConfig has been read") p = admin_pb2.AdminMessage() if config_name == "device": p.set_config.device.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.device) elif config_name == "position": p.set_config.position.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.position) elif config_name == "power": p.set_config.power.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.power) elif config_name == "network": elif config_name == "display": p.set_config.display.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.display) elif config_name == "lora": p.set_config.lora.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.lora) elif config_name == "bluetooth": p.set_config.bluetooth.CopyFrom(self.localConfig.bluetooth) elif config_name == "security": elif config_name == "mqtt": p.set_module_config.mqtt.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.mqtt) elif config_name == "serial": p.set_module_config.serial.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.serial) elif config_name == "external_notification": p.set_module_config.external_notification.CopyFrom( self.moduleConfig.external_notification ) elif config_name == "store_forward": p.set_module_config.store_forward.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.store_forward) elif config_name == "range_test": p.set_module_config.range_test.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.range_test) elif config_name == "telemetry": p.set_module_config.telemetry.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.telemetry) elif config_name == "canned_message": p.set_module_config.canned_message.CopyFrom( self.moduleConfig.canned_message ) elif config_name == "audio": elif config_name == "remote_hardware": p.set_module_config.remote_hardware.CopyFrom( self.moduleConfig.remote_hardware ) elif config_name == "neighbor_info": p.set_module_config.neighbor_info.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.neighbor_info) elif config_name == "detection_sensor": p.set_module_config.detection_sensor.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.detection_sensor) elif config_name == "ambient_lighting": p.set_module_config.ambient_lighting.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.ambient_lighting) elif config_name == "paxcounter": p.set_module_config.paxcounter.CopyFrom(self.moduleConfig.paxcounter) else: our_exit(f"Error: No valid config with name {config_name}") logging.debug(f"Wrote: {config_name}") if self == self.iface.localNode: onResponse = None else: onResponse = self.onAckNak self._sendAdmin(p, onResponse=onResponse)