Module meshtastic.ble_interface
Bluetooth interface
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"""Bluetooth interface
import asyncio
import atexit
import logging
import struct
import time
import io
from threading import Thread
from typing import List, Optional
import google.protobuf
from bleak import BleakClient, BleakScanner, BLEDevice
from bleak.exc import BleakDBusError, BleakError
from meshtastic.mesh_interface import MeshInterface
from .protobuf import mesh_pb2
SERVICE_UUID = "6ba1b218-15a8-461f-9fa8-5dcae273eafd"
TORADIO_UUID = "f75c76d2-129e-4dad-a1dd-7866124401e7"
FROMRADIO_UUID = "2c55e69e-4993-11ed-b878-0242ac120002"
FROMNUM_UUID = "ed9da18c-a800-4f66-a670-aa7547e34453"
LEGACY_LOGRADIO_UUID = "6c6fd238-78fa-436b-aacf-15c5be1ef2e2"
LOGRADIO_UUID = "5a3d6e49-06e6-4423-9944-e9de8cdf9547"
class BLEInterface(MeshInterface):
"""MeshInterface using BLE to connect to devices."""
class BLEError(Exception):
"""An exception class for BLE errors."""
def __init__(
address: Optional[str],
noProto: bool = False,
debugOut: Optional[io.TextIOWrapper]=None,
noNodes: bool = False,
) -> None:
self, debugOut=debugOut, noProto=noProto, noNodes=noNodes
self.should_read = False
logging.debug("Threads starting")
self._want_receive = True
self._receiveThread: Optional[Thread] = Thread(
target=self._receiveFromRadioImpl, name="BLEReceive", daemon=True
logging.debug("Threads running")
self.client: Optional[BLEClient] = None
logging.debug(f"BLE connecting to: {address if address else 'any'}")
self.client = self.connect(address)
logging.debug("BLE connected")
except BLEInterface.BLEError as e:
raise e
if self.client.has_characteristic(LEGACY_LOGRADIO_UUID):
LEGACY_LOGRADIO_UUID, self.legacy_log_radio_handler
if self.client.has_characteristic(LOGRADIO_UUID):
self.client.start_notify(LOGRADIO_UUID, self.log_radio_handler)
logging.debug("Mesh configure starting")
if not self.noProto:
logging.debug("Register FROMNUM notify callback")
self.client.start_notify(FROMNUM_UUID, self.from_num_handler)
# We MUST run atexit (if we can) because otherwise (at least on linux) the BLE device is not disconnected
# and future connection attempts will fail. (BlueZ kinda sucks)
# Note: the on disconnected callback will call our self.close which will make us nicely wait for threads to exit
self._exit_handler = atexit.register(self.client.disconnect)
def from_num_handler(self, _, b: bytes) -> None: # pylint: disable=C0116
"""Handle callbacks for fromnum notify.
Note: this method does not need to be async because it is just setting a bool.
from_num = struct.unpack("<I", bytes(b))[0]
logging.debug(f"FROMNUM notify: {from_num}")
self.should_read = True
async def log_radio_handler(self, _, b): # pylint: disable=C0116
log_record = mesh_pb2.LogRecord()
message = (
f"[{log_record.source}] {log_record.message}"
if log_record.source
else log_record.message
except google.protobuf.message.DecodeError:
logging.warning("Malformed LogRecord received. Skipping.")
async def legacy_log_radio_handler(self, _, b): # pylint: disable=C0116
log_radio = b.decode("utf-8").replace("\n", "")
def scan() -> List[BLEDevice]:
"""Scan for available BLE devices."""
with BLEClient() as client:"Scanning for BLE devices (takes 10 seconds)...")
response =
timeout=10, return_adv=True, service_uuids=[SERVICE_UUID]
devices = response.values()
# bleak sometimes returns devices we didn't ask for, so filter the response
# to only return true meshtastic devices
# d[0] is the device. d[1] is the advertisement data
devices = list(
filter(lambda d: SERVICE_UUID in d[1].service_uuids, devices)
return list(map(lambda d: d[0], devices))
def find_device(self, address: Optional[str]) -> BLEDevice:
"""Find a device by address."""
addressed_devices = BLEInterface.scan()
if address:
addressed_devices = list(
lambda x: address in (, x.address),
if len(addressed_devices) == 0:
raise BLEInterface.BLEError(
f"No Meshtastic BLE peripheral with identifier or address '{address}' found. Try --ble-scan to find it."
if len(addressed_devices) > 1:
raise BLEInterface.BLEError(
f"More than one Meshtastic BLE peripheral with identifier or address '{address}' found."
return addressed_devices[0]
def _sanitize_address(self, address: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: # pylint: disable=E0213
"Standardize BLE address by removing extraneous characters and lowercasing."
if address is None:
return None
return address.replace("-", "").replace("_", "").replace(":", "").lower()
def connect(self, address: Optional[str] = None) -> "BLEClient":
"Connect to a device by address."
# Bleak docs recommend always doing a scan before connecting (even if we know addr)
device = self.find_device(address)
client = BLEClient(device.address, disconnected_callback=lambda _: self.close)
return client
def _receiveFromRadioImpl(self) -> None:
while self._want_receive:
if self.should_read:
self.should_read = False
retries: int = 0
while self._want_receive:
if self.client is None:
logging.debug(f"BLE client is None, shutting down")
self._want_receive = False
b = bytes(self.client.read_gatt_char(FROMRADIO_UUID))
except BleakDBusError as e:
# Device disconnected probably, so end our read loop immediately
logging.debug(f"Device disconnected, shutting down {e}")
self._want_receive = False
except BleakError as e:
# We were definitely disconnected
if "Not connected" in str(e):
logging.debug(f"Device disconnected, shutting down {e}")
self._want_receive = False
raise BLEInterface.BLEError("Error reading BLE") from e
if not b:
if retries < 5:
retries += 1
logging.debug(f"FROMRADIO read: {b.hex()}")
def _sendToRadioImpl(self, toRadio) -> None:
b: bytes = toRadio.SerializeToString()
if b and self.client: # we silently ignore writes while we are shutting down
logging.debug(f"TORADIO write: {b.hex()}")
TORADIO_UUID, b, response=True
) # FIXME: or False?
# search Bleak src for org.bluez.Error.InProgress
except Exception as e:
raise BLEInterface.BLEError(
"Error writing BLE (are you in the 'bluetooth' user group? did you enter the pairing PIN on your computer?)"
) from e
# Allow to propagate and then make sure we read
self.should_read = True
def close(self) -> None:
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error closing mesh interface: {e}")
if self._want_receive:
self._want_receive = False # Tell the thread we want it to stop
if self._receiveThread:
) # If bleak is hung, don't wait for the thread to exit (it is critical we disconnect)
self._receiveThread = None
if self.client:
self.client = None
self._disconnected() # send the disconnected indicator up to clients
class BLEClient:
"""Client for managing connection to a BLE device"""
def __init__(self, address=None, **kwargs) -> None:
self._eventLoop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
self._eventThread = Thread(
target=self._run_event_loop, name="BLEClient", daemon=True
if not address:
logging.debug("No address provided - only discover method will work.")
self.bleak_client = BleakClient(address, **kwargs)
def discover(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116
return self.async_await(**kwargs))
def pair(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116
return self.async_await(self.bleak_client.pair(**kwargs))
def connect(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116
return self.async_await(self.bleak_client.connect(**kwargs))
def disconnect(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116
def read_gatt_char(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116
return self.async_await(self.bleak_client.read_gatt_char(*args, **kwargs))
def write_gatt_char(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116
self.async_await(self.bleak_client.write_gatt_char(*args, **kwargs))
def has_characteristic(self, specifier):
"""Check if the connected node supports a specified characteristic."""
return bool(
def start_notify(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116
self.async_await(self.bleak_client.start_notify(*args, **kwargs))
def close(self): # pylint: disable=C0116
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _traceback):
def async_await(self, coro, timeout=None): # pylint: disable=C0116
return self.async_run(coro).result(timeout)
def async_run(self, coro): # pylint: disable=C0116
return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self._eventLoop)
def _run_event_loop(self):
async def _stop_event_loop(self):
class BLEClient (address=None, **kwargs)
Client for managing connection to a BLE device
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class BLEClient: """Client for managing connection to a BLE device""" def __init__(self, address=None, **kwargs) -> None: self._eventLoop = asyncio.new_event_loop() self._eventThread = Thread( target=self._run_event_loop, name="BLEClient", daemon=True ) self._eventThread.start() if not address: logging.debug("No address provided - only discover method will work.") return self.bleak_client = BleakClient(address, **kwargs) def discover(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 return self.async_await(**kwargs)) def pair(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 return self.async_await(self.bleak_client.pair(**kwargs)) def connect(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 return self.async_await(self.bleak_client.connect(**kwargs)) def disconnect(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 self.async_await(self.bleak_client.disconnect(**kwargs)) def read_gatt_char(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 return self.async_await(self.bleak_client.read_gatt_char(*args, **kwargs)) def write_gatt_char(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 self.async_await(self.bleak_client.write_gatt_char(*args, **kwargs)) def has_characteristic(self, specifier): """Check if the connected node supports a specified characteristic.""" return bool( def start_notify(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 self.async_await(self.bleak_client.start_notify(*args, **kwargs)) def close(self): # pylint: disable=C0116 self.async_run(self._stop_event_loop()) self._eventThread.join() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, _type, _value, _traceback): self.close() def async_await(self, coro, timeout=None): # pylint: disable=C0116 return self.async_run(coro).result(timeout) def async_run(self, coro): # pylint: disable=C0116 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self._eventLoop) def _run_event_loop(self): try: self._eventLoop.run_forever() finally: self._eventLoop.close() async def _stop_event_loop(self): self._eventLoop.stop()
def async_await(self, coro, timeout=None)
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def async_await(self, coro, timeout=None): # pylint: disable=C0116 return self.async_run(coro).result(timeout)
def async_run(self, coro)
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def async_run(self, coro): # pylint: disable=C0116 return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self._eventLoop)
def close(self)
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def close(self): # pylint: disable=C0116 self.async_run(self._stop_event_loop()) self._eventThread.join()
def connect(self, **kwargs)
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def connect(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 return self.async_await(self.bleak_client.connect(**kwargs))
def disconnect(self, **kwargs)
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def disconnect(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 self.async_await(self.bleak_client.disconnect(**kwargs))
def discover(self, **kwargs)
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def discover(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 return self.async_await(**kwargs))
def has_characteristic(self, specifier)
Check if the connected node supports a specified characteristic.
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def has_characteristic(self, specifier): """Check if the connected node supports a specified characteristic.""" return bool(
def pair(self, **kwargs)
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def pair(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 return self.async_await(self.bleak_client.pair(**kwargs))
def read_gatt_char(self, *args, **kwargs)
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def read_gatt_char(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 return self.async_await(self.bleak_client.read_gatt_char(*args, **kwargs))
def start_notify(self, *args, **kwargs)
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def start_notify(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 self.async_await(self.bleak_client.start_notify(*args, **kwargs))
def write_gatt_char(self, *args, **kwargs)
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def write_gatt_char(self, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=C0116 self.async_await(self.bleak_client.write_gatt_char(*args, **kwargs))
class BLEInterface (address: Optional[str], noProto: bool = False, debugOut: Optional[_io.TextIOWrapper] = None, noNodes: bool = False)
MeshInterface using BLE to connect to devices.
Keyword Arguments: noProto – If True, don't try to run our protocol on the link - just be a dumb serial client. noNodes – If True, instruct the node to not send its nodedb on startup, just other configuration information.
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class BLEInterface(MeshInterface): """MeshInterface using BLE to connect to devices.""" class BLEError(Exception): """An exception class for BLE errors.""" def __init__( self, address: Optional[str], noProto: bool = False, debugOut: Optional[io.TextIOWrapper]=None, noNodes: bool = False, ) -> None: MeshInterface.__init__( self, debugOut=debugOut, noProto=noProto, noNodes=noNodes ) self.should_read = False logging.debug("Threads starting") self._want_receive = True self._receiveThread: Optional[Thread] = Thread( target=self._receiveFromRadioImpl, name="BLEReceive", daemon=True ) self._receiveThread.start() logging.debug("Threads running") self.client: Optional[BLEClient] = None try: logging.debug(f"BLE connecting to: {address if address else 'any'}") self.client = self.connect(address) logging.debug("BLE connected") except BLEInterface.BLEError as e: self.close() raise e if self.client.has_characteristic(LEGACY_LOGRADIO_UUID): self.client.start_notify( LEGACY_LOGRADIO_UUID, self.legacy_log_radio_handler ) if self.client.has_characteristic(LOGRADIO_UUID): self.client.start_notify(LOGRADIO_UUID, self.log_radio_handler) logging.debug("Mesh configure starting") self._startConfig() if not self.noProto: self._waitConnected(timeout=60.0) self.waitForConfig() logging.debug("Register FROMNUM notify callback") self.client.start_notify(FROMNUM_UUID, self.from_num_handler) # We MUST run atexit (if we can) because otherwise (at least on linux) the BLE device is not disconnected # and future connection attempts will fail. (BlueZ kinda sucks) # Note: the on disconnected callback will call our self.close which will make us nicely wait for threads to exit self._exit_handler = atexit.register(self.client.disconnect) def from_num_handler(self, _, b: bytes) -> None: # pylint: disable=C0116 """Handle callbacks for fromnum notify. Note: this method does not need to be async because it is just setting a bool. """ from_num = struct.unpack("<I", bytes(b))[0] logging.debug(f"FROMNUM notify: {from_num}") self.should_read = True async def log_radio_handler(self, _, b): # pylint: disable=C0116 log_record = mesh_pb2.LogRecord() try: log_record.ParseFromString(bytes(b)) message = ( f"[{log_record.source}] {log_record.message}" if log_record.source else log_record.message ) self._handleLogLine(message) except google.protobuf.message.DecodeError: logging.warning("Malformed LogRecord received. Skipping.") async def legacy_log_radio_handler(self, _, b): # pylint: disable=C0116 log_radio = b.decode("utf-8").replace("\n", "") self._handleLogLine(log_radio) @staticmethod def scan() -> List[BLEDevice]: """Scan for available BLE devices.""" with BLEClient() as client:"Scanning for BLE devices (takes 10 seconds)...") response = timeout=10, return_adv=True, service_uuids=[SERVICE_UUID] ) devices = response.values() # bleak sometimes returns devices we didn't ask for, so filter the response # to only return true meshtastic devices # d[0] is the device. d[1] is the advertisement data devices = list( filter(lambda d: SERVICE_UUID in d[1].service_uuids, devices) ) return list(map(lambda d: d[0], devices)) def find_device(self, address: Optional[str]) -> BLEDevice: """Find a device by address.""" addressed_devices = BLEInterface.scan() if address: addressed_devices = list( filter( lambda x: address in (, x.address), addressed_devices, ) ) if len(addressed_devices) == 0: raise BLEInterface.BLEError( f"No Meshtastic BLE peripheral with identifier or address '{address}' found. Try --ble-scan to find it." ) if len(addressed_devices) > 1: raise BLEInterface.BLEError( f"More than one Meshtastic BLE peripheral with identifier or address '{address}' found." ) return addressed_devices[0] def _sanitize_address(self, address: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: # pylint: disable=E0213 "Standardize BLE address by removing extraneous characters and lowercasing." if address is None: return None else: return address.replace("-", "").replace("_", "").replace(":", "").lower() def connect(self, address: Optional[str] = None) -> "BLEClient": "Connect to a device by address." # Bleak docs recommend always doing a scan before connecting (even if we know addr) device = self.find_device(address) client = BLEClient(device.address, disconnected_callback=lambda _: self.close) client.connect() return client def _receiveFromRadioImpl(self) -> None: while self._want_receive: if self.should_read: self.should_read = False retries: int = 0 while self._want_receive: if self.client is None: logging.debug(f"BLE client is None, shutting down") self._want_receive = False continue try: b = bytes(self.client.read_gatt_char(FROMRADIO_UUID)) except BleakDBusError as e: # Device disconnected probably, so end our read loop immediately logging.debug(f"Device disconnected, shutting down {e}") self._want_receive = False except BleakError as e: # We were definitely disconnected if "Not connected" in str(e): logging.debug(f"Device disconnected, shutting down {e}") self._want_receive = False else: raise BLEInterface.BLEError("Error reading BLE") from e if not b: if retries < 5: time.sleep(0.1) retries += 1 continue break logging.debug(f"FROMRADIO read: {b.hex()}") self._handleFromRadio(b) else: time.sleep(0.01) def _sendToRadioImpl(self, toRadio) -> None: b: bytes = toRadio.SerializeToString() if b and self.client: # we silently ignore writes while we are shutting down logging.debug(f"TORADIO write: {b.hex()}") try: self.client.write_gatt_char( TORADIO_UUID, b, response=True ) # FIXME: or False? # search Bleak src for org.bluez.Error.InProgress except Exception as e: raise BLEInterface.BLEError( "Error writing BLE (are you in the 'bluetooth' user group? did you enter the pairing PIN on your computer?)" ) from e # Allow to propagate and then make sure we read time.sleep(0.01) self.should_read = True def close(self) -> None: try: MeshInterface.close(self) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error closing mesh interface: {e}") if self._want_receive: self._want_receive = False # Tell the thread we want it to stop if self._receiveThread: self._receiveThread.join( timeout=2 ) # If bleak is hung, don't wait for the thread to exit (it is critical we disconnect) self._receiveThread = None if self.client: atexit.unregister(self._exit_handler) self.client.disconnect() self.client.close() self.client = None self._disconnected() # send the disconnected indicator up to clients
Class variables
var BLEError
An exception class for BLE errors.
Static methods
def scan() ‑> List[bleak.backends.device.BLEDevice]
Scan for available BLE devices.
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@staticmethod def scan() -> List[BLEDevice]: """Scan for available BLE devices.""" with BLEClient() as client:"Scanning for BLE devices (takes 10 seconds)...") response = timeout=10, return_adv=True, service_uuids=[SERVICE_UUID] ) devices = response.values() # bleak sometimes returns devices we didn't ask for, so filter the response # to only return true meshtastic devices # d[0] is the device. d[1] is the advertisement data devices = list( filter(lambda d: SERVICE_UUID in d[1].service_uuids, devices) ) return list(map(lambda d: d[0], devices))
def connect(self, address: Optional[str] = None) ‑> BLEClient
Connect to a device by address.
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def connect(self, address: Optional[str] = None) -> "BLEClient": "Connect to a device by address." # Bleak docs recommend always doing a scan before connecting (even if we know addr) device = self.find_device(address) client = BLEClient(device.address, disconnected_callback=lambda _: self.close) client.connect() return client
def find_device(self, address: Optional[str]) ‑> bleak.backends.device.BLEDevice
Find a device by address.
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def find_device(self, address: Optional[str]) -> BLEDevice: """Find a device by address.""" addressed_devices = BLEInterface.scan() if address: addressed_devices = list( filter( lambda x: address in (, x.address), addressed_devices, ) ) if len(addressed_devices) == 0: raise BLEInterface.BLEError( f"No Meshtastic BLE peripheral with identifier or address '{address}' found. Try --ble-scan to find it." ) if len(addressed_devices) > 1: raise BLEInterface.BLEError( f"More than one Meshtastic BLE peripheral with identifier or address '{address}' found." ) return addressed_devices[0]
def from_num_handler(self, _, b: bytes) ‑> None
Handle callbacks for fromnum notify. Note: this method does not need to be async because it is just setting a bool.
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def from_num_handler(self, _, b: bytes) -> None: # pylint: disable=C0116 """Handle callbacks for fromnum notify. Note: this method does not need to be async because it is just setting a bool. """ from_num = struct.unpack("<I", bytes(b))[0] logging.debug(f"FROMNUM notify: {from_num}") self.should_read = True
async def legacy_log_radio_handler(self, _, b)
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async def legacy_log_radio_handler(self, _, b): # pylint: disable=C0116 log_radio = b.decode("utf-8").replace("\n", "") self._handleLogLine(log_radio)
async def log_radio_handler(self, _, b)
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async def log_radio_handler(self, _, b): # pylint: disable=C0116 log_record = mesh_pb2.LogRecord() try: log_record.ParseFromString(bytes(b)) message = ( f"[{log_record.source}] {log_record.message}" if log_record.source else log_record.message ) self._handleLogLine(message) except google.protobuf.message.DecodeError: logging.warning("Malformed LogRecord received. Skipping.")
Inherited members